WTF? eRepublik has eShopping Wars Now?

Day 781, 18:08 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Hello eCanadians,

Yes, you heard right, eRepublik (well, eCanada, more specifically), now has eShopping Wars! But, how? Well, just today, some amazingly-super-awesome people (such as myself, just kidding) founded the first eCanada e-eBay, for every eCanadian to use, keep reading to find out more!

So, im sure you have all heard of the eBay, correct? If you haven't, well then.. LOOK IT UP! Because im serious, this is almost like it. Because on the original online eBay, you go to the website, you make an account (and verify it, and all that annoying crap), and then you start bidding on things which are probably just to scam you. This, however, is ALMOST the same, because (a) You dont need to do any verifying crap, and (b) Your bidding on things you actually need/want, like guns, food, materials, weapons, etc... Sound straight forward?

So, what do YOU have to do? Well, thats simple (as many online "e" things are), all you need to do, is go to the following Google Documents (c) Spreadsheet (c), and fill out the following form: (Since google loves us all, we DONT all need accounts to do this, which means, NO verification crap).

Anyways, once you have filled out the form (and that means EVERYTHING, not just filling in 2 things and forgeting the rest.. no, I mean, EVERYTHING, your name, age, birthplace, adre--... whoops, wrong page... *ahem* After you fill out your eRepublik Link ID, your objects selling, prices, etc...), once that is all done, wait untill firday, because we then post all the offers in our Org. Newspaper (linked here):

If you see something you like (which you will), than send us a PM with your bid. And, finally, at the end of the day, on Saturday, the highest bids are found, and the winner(s) send us MONEY, to which we send to the sellers, whom give the buyers the objects in return for the rate they specified (NOTE: ALL BIDS MUST BE EQUAL TO, OR GREATER THAN THE PRICES LISTED IN THE ARTICLE/NEWSPAPER).

Now, the best part, is ITS F'N FREE!. Because it is in Beta testing right now 🙂

Plus, if you have any questions, please contact a FOUNDER directly.


Travis Jogn Dring

Good Day eCanada.
Reporting For The World Perspective