Woxan for President!

Day 858, 20:06 Published in USA USA by Woxan

I've been called a renaissance man in this game. Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, CBO Director, SEAL Team 6, Congress, Economic Council Director and oh so much more. In my time here I have met hundreds of Americans, I have friends in EDEN Governments and the High Command itself, and I even have buddies across the alliance line. I've actively served under several Presidents and was happy to be a part of Team America. Over the last 13 months I have seen our country grow from a disorganized foundation into a world power, undertaking a complete transformation between Operation Taco Bell and Operation French Toast II. America, we have come far on our path, but our journey continues down the unknown trail of the New World.

I will dive straight into the major issue that we face today:


Our relationship with the Erepublik Defense and Economic Network is the foremost issue facing us today. We have been in this alliance for five months, through many changes. Some Americans advocate neutrality, some advocate leaving for the Brolliance, taking Canada and Australia with us, some call for staying with EDEN and making reforms, and some radical elements advocate leaving EDEN for PHOENIX (and who wants to be like the UNITED KINGDOM?).

I was Vice President when we joined EDEN in November. I have supported this decision when I ran with Frost and also throughout the administration. My opinion has not changed. I understand that this is not the most popular view, but we must consider our history:

1. There Have Been Worse Schisms in EDEN

Remember when Spain and Poland hated each other? Hard to fathom now; they're the best of friends. An issue over Peru deeply strained internal relations. Spanish troops fought against the Poles in Peru with Argentinian forces, and Poles later tanked for the French when Spain attacked Aquitaine (an epic battle, I might add). Did Spain and Poland leave? No, because we're a Brotherhood and they settled the dispute.

Remember when Romania was fuming over Bulgaria? Can't blame them, they wanted to get into Asia bad and their strategy was to move through Bulgaria and Turkey to force an entrance. Yes, they were upset, and a lot of people thought that Romania would pull out of EDEN or do something worse. Did Romania leave? No, because they took time to calm down and look at the situation.

We are part of an alliance of 13 countries (we will reclaim you Switzerland and Finland) united against PHOENIX. Things will not always work out. Occasionally, conflicts of interest will arise, feelings will be hurt, but eventually time and brotherhood will heal all wounds. Some may not make it to battle due to bugs, another battle, or time zones. Don't worry, they'll be back for a later battle. We are all human. We must realize that mistakes will happen and feelings will be burt, but these are not reasons to cast aside your family.

2. Communication is a Two-Way Street

I've heard that inter-alliance communications have been lagging. We blame them and they blame us. Both sides hold some fault in this. Successful communications take more than one side. I am sure EDEN does not want us to leave. I have spoken with friends throughout the alliance, including High Command, and I do not feel a vibe of giving America the boot. Are there tensions? Yes. The best way to overcome this is to talk it out in a civilized manner. Yelling at the top of your lungs and smearing your allies isn't the right path. Both sides have done it. We all need to back up, calm down, and buy a pack of tropical fruit bubalicious. And some skittles.

I do agree that reforms must take place for the benefit of all. The Allied Fund (TAF), or the country dues that fund EDEN, are the largest issue the American Congress has with EDEN. Frankly, I don't blame them. The current system has us paying as much as a country three times our size and more than a countries richer than us. I expect us to pay a larger sum than others, but the current system is imbalanced. It is functioning but it is not the most perfect system. Regardless of the outcome of this election, I would like to see the TAF reformed. The easiest scheme I've thought of: Base it on Presidential election vote tallies, and have each nation contribute 5-10% of that per week to The Allied Forces. Small countries pay their share, large countries pay theirs. Now we have a reliable "let's kill PHOENIX fund." Everybody wins.

In short, I am advocating everyone take a deep breath, a step back, and examine the situation as a whole. As an alliance we must: 1. Examine TAF, 2. Look at the issues from each others' viewpoint, and 3. determine our military priorities. I feel we can work this out and move forward stronger than before.

Media: The Key to Retention?

After a conversation with our national mascot, The Great, Emerick, we came up with an interesting theory: well written, humorous, and frequent media, especially by the POTUS, can keep people involved. I have heard many say that Emerick's or Gaius Julius' papers kept them interested in eRepublik and are the reason they are still around today. It makes sense. If you have the POTUS keeping you informed and interested, and making you bawl on the floor due to uncontrolled laughter, you may be inclined to stick around. Emerick is humorous in his writing, Frost's style is down to earth, Harrison Richardson gave us hope in the American invasion, and Gaius got us prepped to reclaim Canada and take out PHOENIX bases in Asia. Even if my frequent writing doesn't keep people from quitting, the remaining active citizens will get the benefit of knowing they have a President that is there for them, informing the public. I enjoy writing, and will push out articles, President or not.

Internal Structure: Back to Basics

The American government has become too complex. I'm calling for a return to the bare essentials. I will appoint the Vice President, Head Vizier, Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Chief of Staff, Secretary of Interior, and Secretary of Media. This is my Cabinet. My Cabinet shall each select and develop the organization and personnel they require, subject to my approval. They will each choose who they can best work with, not who I think will do the best job if put there. They will each choose the structure they think best fits their responsibilities, not that which I force upon them. This will reduce the excessive bureaucracy and partisanship.

We have three branches of government: Executive, Legislative and Military. The relationship between the Executive and Military branches have grown strained this term. Both branches need to know their place, as they did before. If the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff (CJCS, head of the Military branch) and I have a problem, we will talk it out like adults. There shall be no withheld access, information, supply, etc. The JCS are the primary tacticians, holding months or years of experience. I trust them to know what they are doing. They are excellent strategic planners. Cooperation between these two branches is essential for our success. There is no acceptable reason for the President and CJCS to not stand together as partners and friends.

Vice Presidential Pick

Tune in next time for the VP pick. 😉

I will also happily respond to any questions you have and will answer them shortly in my next Wox4POTUS article.

Thank you, and good night.
