World In a Nutshell // The United Kingdom

Day 662, 05:12 Published in United Kingdom Finland by Kuhaa

Few weeks ago I came across of a video where a Finnish stand-up comedian Ismo Leikola talked about England and I figured you'd like to hear about it. He says England is a developing country. Don't take it too seriously. 😉

A while I go I visited England for a couple of weeks and I have to say, it's one developing country. I mean, when I went there I didn't even know what's a "mixer". You know, in a bathroom. Well, it's the device that mixes the water. Cold and hot - they don't have it there. "No, no that's way too new. We're not interested of the product."

It has to be hot and cold tap separated and as far from each other as possible. When you go to wash your hands you're like "Ouch! Phew. Ouch! Phew. Ouch!" That doesn't make any sense. And when you think you're finally going to get a shower... The shower, it's not like here. There it's a bizarre-looking burl, a device with flashing lights, liquid crystal display and some fucking microprocessors. I don't know what it was made of but I was frightening as hell. "Is that on mains power? I'm in a shower!"

I don't know but in my opinion it doesn't require information technology to mix hot and cold water. It requires a pipe that's shaped like a god damn Y!

And the toilets! For example the ones in pubs. The door always opens inwards. Also to those booths where you go to take a crap. Yes, I did take a crap in England. Two weeks there, took a crap once. Restaurants did their best to prevent me from doing it even that time. What a constipation food they serve there! But the small booth with it's door opening inwards, why is that? It's really hard to get inside the booth.

A local guy told me. "You stupid. If the lock's broken you can push the door with your other arm." Yeah, that's logic. I don't mind, it's good you've sorted it out. Then I told him that in Finland we have a different solution, the doors open outwards. And if the lock's broken, someone comes and fucking fixes it!

Yup, he's more fun than a barrel full of monkeys.

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