World Cup 2010 qualifiers

Day 489, 12:02 Published in Romania Hungary by bodaa

I wish you a lucky day!

New matches from Champions League!

The rules are:
You can bet with minimum 0,1 gold and maximum 1 gold. In currency that can be minimum 1 and maximum 10. About the odds and events I am going to write in the newspaper. If you bet, you should donate me the money or gold, and write a PM to me, what event you choose. (for example: Portugal-Sweden x). You can bet on more matches. In this case the odds are multiplicating, but all of your bets should be right to win. For example you bet on Sweden (4,0) and Albania (2,5) with 1 gold, then the winning prize will be 4*2,5=10 gold. When you bet and send me the PM, if you bet on more matches, and in the PM you dont write that you want to bet on them separately, I'll think that you want to bet on them together (the higher odds).
The prizes will be payed within 2 days by donate.

Here are the matches

Who will reach the finals?

1,3 | Manchaster United
1,5 | FC Barcelona
2,8 | FC Chelsea
3,3 | Arsenal

Ended, results:
IRL-soccer, date: 2009. April 1.
IRL-soccer, date: 2009. March 28.

1 - Home team win
2 - Away team win
x - Draw

Good betting!