Workers in LGmobile.Food & Grain - PLEASE READ

Day 647, 05:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

Your Wellness is the most important thing when working for me. It NEEDS to be over 50 wellness and ideally near 80 so you create more stock because if you don't then your stock doesn't even cover your wages which is obviously a problem for me and you.

You can only do this when your over level 6 as you need to fight in the Army to use the hospital.

Log on to a new day
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- - >
Fight in a active war
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Go to your region page (selected in your profile page)
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Heal in your hospital (This can only be done after you fight and can only be done once a day)
- - >
Your wellness should now be above 50 and close to 80 ideally

Remember when doing this...
- You can only use the hospital ONCE a day
- You can only fight if your wellness is ABOVE 40 so NEVER finish a day below 40
- Buy food from the marketplace (the better the food the more wellness you will gain)
- Buy a house when you have enough money (this isn't to important at this stage)

Why is this important?
Here's a website which calculates how much you make for me, play around with the settings to see what all the fuss is about.>PRODUCTIVITY CALCULATOR

This process will not only make me more stock but it will enable me to pay your wages.
