Word from Hedera, after pTO Austria

Day 845, 15:20 Published in Austria Croatia by Int. TakeOver Group

O.K. so here we are...
I'm v. proud of myself because what I've done.

So I think firstly I have to demolish some stupid myths, legends about me which are in eWorld.

#1 Hedera is Croatian secret agent

sorry ladies I’m not with you in Austria 🙁

Lol, not at all. I wasn't Alfred Ball puppet, I don't even talk with him.

#2 Hedera is Polish secret agent

nor with you 🙁

I didin't also work with Polish Intelligence Agency, sorry guys. I was acting on my own.

#3 Hedera will be impeachment

Not this time 🙂

*Beeep* sorry dudes I will be still eAustria president. You won't kick me from seat soon.

#4 Hedera's cabinet was full of Hedera’s agents

This two guys weren’t in my cabinet

Uch, uch, uch. It's also mistake. People which I choose to my government wasn't connected with my. I would like to thank them, you were really helpful ! Without your help my small plan wouldn't success. Of course some of you were working for PHX/EDEN/Entente gov, but you wasn’t cooperate with me 😉

#5 Hedera cheat Austria

Yeah, I made it

Hm… Yeah that’s accutaly true. I cheat you all dudes and steal whole your money and gave Poland your terettories 🙂

You know, last weeks were quite funny… Tricking this all agents in Austria was difficult job, but I made it. I have to explain one thing – Austria didn’t deserve for country. Your country is full of foreign agents. Croatians, Russians, Brazilian, Poles, Germans, Americans, Hungarians, Englishmen, French etc. – they’re all there. I knew that there are some REAL AUSTRIANS (people who live in Austria IN REAL ) but they’re only 1% of whole society. So I think that destroying Austria, this wasp nest was the best thing that could happened.

I pTO Austria… What does it mean? Political Take Over. Some of you think that to pTO country you have to create multi accounts. If you think in that way, you are idiots. To pTO country you don’t have to change voting process with your multies, you have to change people’s mind. If you can manipulate people, then you will win.

Remember guys – I was acting alone. It was one man show. People who are talking that I’m Alfred Ball or Kasier Alex servant are idiots. I dunno this guys, I only manipulate them. Lol, Austria you should even thank me – probably with my evil actions will get you BB soon 🙂. You may be angry because I stole your gold – LOL this gold would be stolen soon by Stoneman or will lie on Austrian Bank…
People! With my help Austria could be no more boring country. You will become more solidarity (because of troubles). I knew that dudes who get to Austria on 25th every month will be flaming now, cuz they lose his chance to get free Congress Member medal, but I don’t care about it.

Special thanks to Omunegru, Kaiser and bbb_kambelovac my allies in March elections ! : D

Best regards,
Hedera, President of Austria

PS. Poadzriawm wsyztskcih Pokóalw, nsaz Nraód sipsowkać uimie ! ! ! o7 HAIL POLAND
PS2. Nie, nie porawdzę rerutkacji : ]
PS3. You will hear about me... soon : D