Women = Retention

Day 949, 22:18 Published in USA USA by Daks

Ladies (however minuscule your number maybe) and Gentlemen (who quite 'frankly' make this game too much of a 'sausage-fest'):

Due to the recent article "A Recipe for Retention" I decided to tackle the issue and after about 1.34576 seconds I came up with a solution and the only solution for retention. I propose a simple plan that will mostly result in positive retention gains. What is my proposal you ask? Well thank you for asking, the answer is simple.

Women - Wii-minz - Females - Ect.

Just like I said in the title.

No, I don't mean bikini clad pictures.

See Example Below

No! What I propose is actual live bikini clad women. Sadly we won't be able to see their bikini clad bodies because it is the Inter-webs (unless of course they post 'em.). More women means more men will stay just to talk to them and try to get nude pics, some guys will be more straight forwards than others. Now you ask, "But Daks how do we get women to join when you can't even get a date?" The Scrab should I know, as you just stated I can't get a date and I've never been much of a how to do it man. I am much more of a idea man, who has no real process to make this idea happen.

So I leave the fate of the USA in your hands women, after all you've got friends, which might possibly be girls. There is no way I can ask the male population cause they have a snowball's chance in hell of actually having a female friend.

To Recap: Real Women Equal Retention;
Pictures of Women, Does Not (And Yes I understand they are fun to ogle.)


(A fully clothed Woman is more likely to contribute to Erep.)


( 😛 )
