Winston Hope Smith - The Difference

Day 2,112, 09:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by Winston Hope Smith

Comrades, Collogues and Citizens of eIreland

Hi all

The Country President is now, with the dropping out of Bhane & Sweet Drinker, whittled down to two candidates, Ian E Coleman and myself Winston Hope Smith. Now it is my opinion either of us would do the job competently but (based on Ian's article published) there are fundamental differenced in approach and style which I would like to tease out here.

I'll approach this under the main headings of Defence, Finance & Foreign Affairs.

In his article Ian states...

"Especially when it comes to our non-aggression with the eUK you can expect me to maintain the same military strategy and long term outlook."

I however have a very different outlook. It is my intention should I be elected, to contact the incoming UK CP whoever this will be to initiate discussions for a resolution of our border issues by term end. Now I am well aware this is a big ask but not to have the ambition of self government and sovereignty is not in my make up. I am also well aware the National Shield held by Britain complicates matters and that the challenges this presents mean "creative solutions" will need to be found. However the stated aim of a WHS administration will be to have control of our regions by term end. I of course wish this to be achieved by dialogue with my counterpart in the UK.

Now Ian and myself have both opted for the continuation of Appleman in his role as MoF. However once again there appears to be fundamental differences in approach. While Ian wants to maintain the status quo (I am assuming this includes the withholding of basic accounts from the populace) a WHS term will see 3 sets of accounts published, Start, Middle & End of term reports. This in my previous term as Country President, Appleman did before and it worked really well. It provides for basic accountability. During my last term Appleman and myself also re-secured the Orgs which have remained secure since. This is going to continue.

Foreign Affairs
In foreign affairs the approach must be different in our respective Governments due to the different Nation Goal. (Status Quo V National Sovereignty) Be assured under the strong direction of Raven Anarcho that reports will be made, that connections will be built, and I'd have more confidence that we'd have support in the event of war.
I would add in that we want regions back peacefully, and I do not wish to just renew the NAP. If the UK refuses white peace, there's nothing we will do personally militarily but we will have a few "tricks" up our sleeve that would be revealed to congress before implementing. In my last two terms as CP I always had good relations with the UK CP and dealt honestly and openly with them. At those time I found they did likewise. I believe this can work again but like any prudent eWorld leader you always plan for various scenarios. This we will do.

Until next time