Why You Should Join the Yellow Party

Day 365, 08:42 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy
Note: Origins of the article are from a private conversation.

Right now, the Yellow Party's platform is in its rudimentary stages. In many ways, the platform reflects my views on eRepublik. I will outline these views in this article but I would also like to say that I hope eventually that there is an open discussion on what the party's views are. Perhaps, one of you can take a lead in developing a foreign policy or a political message or an economic platform if that's what interests you. In the Yellow Party, you have that opportunity. Such discussions start at our forums.

As far as foreign policy, war in eRepublik stimulates interest, activity, and the economy. In this sense, war is good. However, our views on the two types of war should be nuanced. Independence wars are worthy of our support because of two reasons: first, the aforementioned reasons of interest, activity, and economy, and second, they allow for the self-determination of people. Wars between countries can provide the stimulations but may also upset the balance of power in the world. While ATLANTIS provides us the opportunity to participate in wars officially that we would not be able to do so otherwise, the interests of the nation should always supercede that of an alliance. The United States should progress and not regress because of foreign entanglements. We have not been harmed by alliances but ultimately, we should be careful when dealing about them.

Additionally, we should maintain open lines of communication with all nations in eRepublik. Diplomatic solutions should become more practical. For example, the opportunity to embargo is one that one that has been underutilized in V1.

In regards to economics, all people should have the opportunity to work. A minimum wage is a necessity. People require the ability to persist and to improve in this new world and there should be a wage floor to allow for such an ability. Additionally, institutions should help to shoulder the initial costs of increasing new players' wellness. In this way, they become more productive from the start. I have outlined this argument in the article The Necessity of High Wellness.

Politically, the Yellow Party allows members to influence and grow a political party and brand. The name 'Yellow Party' is rather generic and amorphous. It can shift to meet the platform that we as a party choose to move forward with. It is not bogged down with real life affiliations and it allows for the members to actually have a say politically.

Ultimately, I hope that this offers some insight into the Yellow Party and convinces you of why you should join the Yellow Party.