Why the treaty is best for America.

Day 636, 05:19 Published in USA North Korea by Cesog fillireb

Recently, Emerick published a proposed peace treaty with PEACE. Many Americans are throwing a fit over it. If you are one of those Americans throwing a fit over it, you are an idiot. Time to refute some phrases.

1. We are dooming our allies by giving PEACE thousands of gold
-Actually, we are enabling our allies to fight for their homeland instead of for the US. Furthermore, PEACE won't get the gold for 4 months. I should hope that the war will have been decided by then. Therefore, we can survive, our allies can survive, and we are in no way damning them.

2. Appeasing is wrong! Fight or Die!
-In this instance, what we are doing is NOT appeasement. It is a tribute, or a ransom. We are not paying them to make them happy, we are paying them to make ourselves alive. Alive>Dead, so therefore this ransom is correct.

3. Emerick is betraying the American Pride!
-What Emerick proposed is the only chance we, as the US, have of surviving. We cannot lose all our states, because with all the states gone, so is the tax income. No tax income, not Resistance Wars. Unless you as a people have thousands and thousands of gold that you are willing to donate, I highly doubt that we can put up any form of resistance struggle.

4.We should not re elect Emerick
-Emerick is doing his best, which is actually fairly good. He is keeping the US alive at all costs. Is that not what you want from your president? Instead of splitting the nation, we should all unite behind him to help make our country strong again.

Americans, the treaties are the best course for us to take.

-Cesog fillireb