Why The SI Community Party is right for you

Day 677, 10:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Dawber

The word awesome is bandied around a lot these days. But if anything is awesome, then The SI Community Party is. Or at least has the potential to be if YOU join. Here's some reasons why.

#1. Equality is good, and we promote equality between all members of the party. In fact, most of our members are very 'young' and are below level 10, so where would we be if we were elitist? Everyone can make themself heard.

#2. We are a small party and nobody has any preconceptions about us. YOU can help mould us into a respected, functional, popular party. All of your hard work will have a noticeable effect on the party.

#3. YOUR ideas will be heard. Discussion is a good thing in our party. Any idea, big or small, can be implemented into our manifesto or policies if it is worthy. Every idea will be studied, thought upon, and streamlined to become the best it can be in our forum.

#4. It's so easy to get involved! PM me with an idea, you can see it in this paper the next day. Join the forum, start a thread, and put your ideas across to us.

#5. YOU will be looked after and valued as a member of the party. If you want to be on all of our friends lists, you can be. If you want to drop us a line at any time, we will listen. Communication is what we are about.

Right, those were all about YOU (consequently the word YOU was being mentioned a lot), but here's some stuff about us, and more reasons why WE could be right for YOU.

#6. Our policies are specifically designed to make the eUK as powerful as it can be. You might be thinking "That's what every other party does" but we don't have egos in the party that will do it for the power trip, we don't want to just hand out favours to other countries if it could weaken our position, we want to make Britain proud again.

#7. Our idea is that everyone could profit from our regime. Big business owners get to buy raw materials with low taxes and make money. They can then attract more employees by paying better wages, and employees benefit. Any company that doesn't make money is worthless and is closed down unless we can help it. Big business owners = win, regular employee = win, economy = win.

#8. If we get in power, we will promote a good image of the eUK on the world stage. Stay friendly with world powers, help emerging countries, fight for good causes if it is needed, and of course, honour all current treaties and MPP's.

#9. We want to educate every user on how to enjoy the game, how to prosper in the game, and how to help the eUK. Hopefully this will reduce the number of players becoming inactive, and encourage more of the '2-clickers' to get more involved.

#10. We are just really nice guys. Honestly. We don't live our lives on this game, but it's a very interesting passtime that we can all enjoy together, without too much pressure.

Hopefully that's helped you make a decision on whether this party is right for you. Thanks for reading!