Why should I buy large storage? - [®™ Roscatul]

Day 1,333, 03:58 Published in USA Singapore by Roscatul

A simple calculation:

Large storage:
- 1 pcs of land = 1000 usd (1 g = 630 usd =>1000 usd = 1.58 g)
- One large storage capacity (9000) = 35 g
- Total cost 35 g + 1.58 g = 36.58 g

Normal storage:
- 1 pcs of land = 1000 usd (1 g = 630 usd =>1000 usd = 1.58 g)
- One normal storage capacity (1000) = 750 usd (1 g = 630 usd =>750 usd =1.19 g)
- Total cost 1.58 g + 1.19 g = 2.77 g

So, if you buy a large storage (9000) you have to pay 36.58 g and if you buy 9 normal storage (9*1000 = 9000) you have to pay 24.93 g. The second option is with 11.65 g cheaper.

So, why should I buy large storage??!!


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