Why Romania loses its regions? [RO/EN]

Day 532, 12:07 Published in Romania Romania by MoonlightShadow
La cerinta Statului Major Roman :

Draga Mos Craciun,

Stiu ca mai e putin si ajungem in mijlocul verii, dar eu vreau sa-ti multumesc din suflet pentru cadoul facut cu anticipatie. Am fost baiat cuminte, asa ca merit placerea sa vad cum baietii rai din PEACE primesc nu jucarii, ci nuiele..bad, bad boys.

Dupa ce mi-am privit tara cum de doua saptamani este atacata din toate partile, din Ungaria, din Indonezia, din Rusia, din China, din Iran, de peste tot, si dupa ce doua saptamani multe scrisori au plecat spre tine intrebandu-te „Mosule, astia parca au izvor nesecat de arme Q5 si de gold, e ceva putred la mijloc”, in sfarsit de azi am inceput sa vedem cum firme-minune ca aceasta, sau ca aceasta, au fost bicuite si banate azi, si le adaugam sirului lung firme care produceau sute de arme Q5/zi cum a fost si aceasta. Firme-minune care acum aveau 74 de arme q5 pe stock,pac-pac la urmatorul refresh peste 3 secunde aveau 109 arme cum a fost cazul celei banate azi..am vrea si noi in Romania astfel „minuni”, nu putem primi cadou o astfel de firma? De ce doar altii?

Desi, sunt sigur ca nu mai exista zeci de astfel de firme-minune impanzite prin tot Peace-ul, Doamne-Fereste. Desi e ciudat ca doar Peace-ul este taramul fagaduintei unde orice noob lupta cu Q5-uri daca vrea, nu cu mainile goale. Faptul ca i-ai bicuit cu nuiaua pe baietii rai echivaleaza cu toate cele 20 de regiuni pierdute de noi in parte fiindca noi luptam cu mainile goale sau q1-uri, iar inamicii se spalau pe cap cu Q5-uri si mii de gold care acum sunt confiscati.

Da, recunosc draga Mosule, sunt un pic ironic. Fiindca sunt multe alte firme „suspecte” inca in libertate, desi banuiesc ca in urmatoarele zile se vor rari, atinse de biciul divin. Dar tragedia este ca pe noi romanii de rand care ne-am mancat zilele si noptile si ne-am chinuit sa mai dam 100 de Q1-uri la populatie, si ne-am nenorocit nervii pe 10 fronturi simultane, nu ne incalzeste cu nimic ca temporar a iesit din joc un baiat rau, care revine maine cu alt cont si se pune iar pe facut sute de arme Q5 pe zi cu 4 angajati anemici. Una este sa ai gold de WP + arme Q5, si alta e sa ai nevoie doar de WP, fiindca arme Q5 ai "gratis" cate poftesti.. Se injumatatesc costurile.Poate totusi miile de romani si luptatori ai Atlantis-ului ar merita macar niste scuze, daca alta compensatie nu se mai poate, fiindca e prea tarziu. Multa pasiune s-a consumat degeaba pentru aceasta eViata.

In incheiere, as avea o rugaminte adresata "creierelor" PEACE..daca tot nu pot fi opriti sa produca in halul asta arme, macar sa fie si ei baieti finuti si sa sharuiasca cu noi know-how-ul, sa ne facem si noi, sa avem un joc corect.

English Version

Requested by the Romanian Army Headquarter:

Dear Santa Clause,

I know that we almost in the middle of the summer, but I`d like to thank you very much for the gift you offered me. I was a good boy, so I deserve to see how bad, bad boys from PEACE receive not gifts, but rods.

After I looked at my country ripped apart by attacks from all sides, from Hungary, from Indonesia, from Russia, from China, from Iran, etc, and after many letters said that there`s something strange about it, too many Q5 weapons, too much gold in those guys pockets, well finally we started today to see wonder-companies being punished. Wonder-Companies likethis one, or like this, adding to a long number of previously banned 1000-Q5-Weapons-Per-Day like this famous Indonesian one. Wonder-Companies that now have 74 Q5 weapons on stock, 3 seconds later after the refresh have 109, like the one banned earlier today..really, we would love such a gift for us too, such “wonders”, don`t we deserve?

Although I`m absolutely sure that there are NOT still tens of such wonder-companies all over the PEACE world, no doubt about that. No matter the fact that PEACE seems to be the promised land, where any noob fights with Q5 weapons, not bare hands. Now, those few bad boys being punished equals all the 20 regions we`d seen lost until yesterday, one reason for that being that we fought with Q1 weapons, and enemies washed their heads with thousands of gold and thousands of Q5 weapons that now are permanent banned and blocked.

Ok, I reckon dear Santa, i`m a bit ironic. Because right now there are still many such wonder-companies free to make “business”, also I suppose in the next day the urge will destroy them. But the tragedy is that we Romanians, along with our allies struggled for nothing days and nights.You know Santa, it`s one thing to equip tanks of an Alliance with gold for WP and Q5 weapons, and another to equip them only with gold, because you have "free" Q5, as many as you could dream for. And lately we lose everything. For what? Few guys to get banned, or maybe just their orgs? Most likely they`ll return in few days and start producing hundreds of Q5 weapons per day with just four anemic employees. Maybe thousands of Romanians, as well as Atlantis fighters deserve some excuses, given the fact that history is written already and nothing can be done about that. Lot of passion wasted for nothing, in this eLife.

In the end, i`d like to ask the smart guys impossible to be stopped from producing those weapons..at least, share with us the know-how, to have a fair game.