Why Join The Training Corps? Ask the graduates.

Day 1,452, 19:11 Published in USA USA by WebMastR

Hello, I am WebMastR, a 2nd Lieutenant in command of a 1st Division (Training Division) platoon in the eUnited States Training Corps. I’d like to tell you, readers, a little bit about what the TC is like.

Joining the eUnited States Training Corps is a great experience. You learn more about how eRepublik works and its military history, meet new people, make new friends, and become a stronger citizen along the way.

I have asked some 1st Division graduates about their beginning experiences in the eUSTC:

TDavis3000, 1st and 3rd Division Graduate, MSG in eUSTC

“I was contacted regularly by multiple officers who guided me through learning the game. It's a fairly-simplistic browser game, but the features aren't always intuitive, and I believe the TC gave me exceptional instruction in how to play the game 'properly'. The various members of the TC were very approachable and encouraging. I would recommend it to any new gamer here.”
He has actually written an article about his experiences as well, you can click here to see it.

Cole Bence, 1st Division Graduate, PFC in eUSTC

“When I first joined eRepublik I didn't really know what I was doing. I played around with jobs and fighting, but I didn't do much. Eventually I joined TC. I learned about the history of the game and how to play. TC taught me how to fight effectively, where to live, and how to connect with others. That was the best part. These connections have been the best part of the game.”

AwesumEndvrs, 1st Division Graduate, CPL in eUSTC

“Well, my experience with the TC recruitment went very smoothly. First of all, everybody was very kind and helped with any questions. If they didn't know the answer they would refer you to someone that could help you. I got to meet many new people and share many stories while also learning the basics of the Corps. You do have to put in a little personal time everyday but it is well worth it. They don't require anybody to be on IRC (Internet Relay Chat), but I find it a lot more fun if you are. I have served in the TC before and when I rejoined I got to meet back up with all of my old friends. Overall, my TC experience has been great and I recommend that you join and I guarantee you will have just as much fun as me.”

Jason Darby, 1st and 3rd Division Graduate, Transferred to National Guard

"I joined TC back in July while we were still in the process of liberating the eUS from ONE. I was initially introduced to TC through the AMP, which did not have its own forum at the time. The community was very welcoming and encouraged activity without being pushy about it. One of my favorite things about TC was actually how laid back most folks were. In certain other units, members who do not participate enough or in the right way tend to be given a hard time. In TC, I was permitted to choose the terms of my experience by always being informed of opportunities, but never being forced to do anything beyond completing regular roll calls. While I was not able to participate as much as I would have liked because of real life, TC was as a rule quite active. There were regularly scheduled events in both IRC and in-game. I remember having the opportunity to participate in something called the hit-a-thon, for which Q5 weapons were awarded. For additional supplies, I was introduced to and encouraged to take advantage of government programs. For educational purposes, a wealth of information was provided to me via Google Docs, covering everything from eUS History to the finer points of the military module. Overall, I would say that TC does an excellent job of preparing trainees for future service in the eUS Military and is an experience that all new players should have under their belts."

Kijiman, 1st and 3rd Division Graduate, 1LT in eUSTC

“I first heard about the TC from a message from a recruiter, and decided I had nothing better to do in this game, so I thought, what the heck, and filled out an application. I was approved the next day, and was then placed in the 124th platoon, the Diablos, under a past Commanding Officer, John Marsten. I was able to get most of my knowledge of the game by asking John basic questions, which helped me along tremendously. I finished my graduation requirements in a few days, and was moved on to the 3rd division for a few days, where I then decided to pursue a career of officership, and was promoted to the Executive Officer of the 111th Platoon.”

Ntimis, 1st and 3rd Division Graduate, Transferred to Army

“I learned how important is to become and continue to be active on the Military Forums. I learned the qualities for a good and active combat soldier: readiness and following orders. I learned the history of the eUS and many many more... Everything was very easy to understand and my officers were always there to help in whatever I needed. The best part about it was the officers. They were always willing to help me learn and pushed me to do my best. With all of the advanced education and training that I received I soon felt fully prepared to jump right in and start finding my place in the Army. Thank you! Finally, a message to our enemies. If it's war they want, then war they shall have!”

Rose Lopez, 1st Division Graduate, MSG in eUSTC

“Well, when I first joined, I was very apprehensive about the TC. I was new to the game and so I wasn't comfortable and didn’t know half the time of what I was doing. I joined and read all the information I was given and did what I was asked. I had questions but I felt too shy to ask for help. I didn't get those answers until I had graduated 1st Division. I was more comfortable in the TC by then. I do not regret joining the TC. It’s the best!”

It’s the best, huh? These are just opinions from a few of our many members. These guys like it. Why don’t you give it a try, too?

The USTC is currently accepting applications from both new and old players alike. Sign-up today!
Check out our USTC Military Unit.