Why is it......

Day 1,586, 07:35 Published in Australia Canada by Ryan Southcombe

why is it that more people die from car crashes than plane crashes but nobody is afraid of driving?

why is it that we pay more for an apple that has a bite out of it but less for a full one?

why is it that Canadians drive with the metric system but buy food and supplies by the imperial?

why is it that California has a higher population than all of canada added together?

why is it that sports players are paid more than doctors, police, and firefighters when these guys are more important?

why is it so easy to be lazy but so hard to be diligent?

why is it so easy to fail but so hard to succeed?

why is it that cuss words actually mean something that isn't insulting when used by itself?

why is Ryan Southcombe spending so much to pay writers for a reward so small?

why is it that Canadians stereotype Americans to be fat people living in McDonalds?

why is it that Americans stereotype Canadians to be people that live in igloos?

why is it that you can die of laughter but not live from crying?

why is it that even the most important people in the world can be replaced in an instant?

why are lives so easy to end but so hard to start?




Writen by Genyng Kislev
March 24 2012