Why? I will tell you why.

Day 529, 18:33 Published in Estonia Estonia by John A. Kelly
Rafale, controller of Eesti Pank and leader of the Eesti Vabariik party (40% of Congress) has written a whiny little article that deserves careful attention and line-by-line rebuttal. Because Rafale has decided to use his influence with eHungarian congressmen to seize the Treasury, disburse funds and generally rule as if he were both Prime Minister and Central Banker, it falls to me as a member of the Loyal Opposition to respond to the Rafale's latest acts of misappropriation, misrule and misrepresentation.

Rafale starts his whiny "Why?" article with a very weird question:

Rafale: Why are you always ruining our work?

Let's review the recent legislative action of the 1st Congressional Session (see http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=r3IPCTLFBTBScpqWjUt2_zw):

Of 10 Bills proposed by the RoE-EV (eHungarian) Parties, 7 were passed into law. The three Bills which were rejecte😛

Bill 5904: "Do you agree with the proposal to issue 1000 EEK for 5 GOLD?"
Does anyone know why this was proposed when there was over 40,000EEK in the Treasury?

Bill 5896 "Do you agree to transfer 40000 EEK from the country accounts to Eesti Pank?"
Failed 18:18 but followed by the successful Bill 5940 proposed by Lantos (EV): Do you agree to transfer 45000 EEK from the country accounts to Eesti Pank?"

Bill 5674 "Do you agree to transfer 1000 GOLD from the country accounts to Bank of Estonia?"
This Bill is one of the Bank of Estonia vs Eesti Pank contests. Because Two other bills with the same language were defeated by the EV-RoE this Bill should be listed in the SDE column. See Bill 5549 proposed by s33vald(SDE/VIE) and Bill 5745 proposed by Alex Lawrence (SDE/VIE).

FICTION: The SDE/VIE and Estonians are obstructing (or "ruining") the legislative agenda of the EV-RoE parties.

FACT: The eHungarian parties have prevailed in 8 out of 9 legislative actions, and the last one is too weird to pay any attention.

Rafale: We try to help you, but you deny it always just because we are hungarian, this is so childish.

I could remind Rafale of the childish, slanderous, unbelievably dishonest propaganda from the eHungarian government and it's official agents in eEstonia (including Rafale). The media has be awash in claims like "I call the Hungarian congress members to remain in the Parliament, since there are still greedy foreigners in it!" and "For Romanian agents, please check your personal alerts: Killswitch is no longer a congress member. Alex Lawrence is no longer a congress member. And the list of them is still to be continued."

But there is another approach to Rafale's claim which demonstrates that the eHungarian bigotry against foreigners has harmed the functioning of the eEstonian government.

Let's look at the example of Bill 5795 and Bill 5917 "Citizen fee change from 10 EEK to 7 EEK":
Bill 5795 was proposed by Killswitch of the SDE/VIE and voted down.
Bill 5917 was proposed by Rommel Erwin of the RoE, and it passed.

Let's look at the example of Bill 5708 and Bill 5816 "Minimum wage change from 1 EEK to 1.5 EEK" and "Minimum wage change from 1.5 EEK to 1 EEK"
Bill 5708 was proposed by ri_csi of the EV and it passed.
Bill 5816 was proposed by Charles Martel of the SDE/VIE who successfully campaigned for it's passage. The Congressman's article Minimum wage. secured endorsements from The Syldavian Red Cross and Congressman Lantos (EV), two of the largest employers in eEstonia.

It is increasingly clear that RoE-EV congressmen can get any idiocy passed without debate, simply because of their loyalty to eHungary. If the SDE/VIE wants to pass a common-sense law, however, they must either campaign for it or convince a RoE-EV congressman to propose it.

Rafale: Can't you see that we try to help?

We can see that you've given 100 gold to the Government of eHungary. We can see that you've given 20 gold to a eHungarian diamond company. We can see that you've given 11 gold to an eIndonesian-controlled gift company.

We can see that you help your friends. Estonia? Not so much. We're still waiting to see the "low price" for a hospital and defense system. (Hopefully it's less than the +100gold-over market price that I've been reading about in the IRC channels.) edit: THIS is how it's supposed to be done: http://www.erepublik.com/en/forum/topic/95550/estonia-looking-for-cheap-q5-hospital/1

Rafale: If i like to i can run away with the money in every second, or maybe i have donated it to Citizen Cane who wanted to do a secret contract, but i didn't. The money is still here.

What contract did you sign with Reppalim Inc and LP's Company? Is it published in the Contracts forum? If you are threatening to "run away with the money" then why should we trust you with ANY of the money? It is precisely this attitude that caused the SDE/VIE to try to block donations to your Eesti Pank. (See Please stop playing this silly game by Rafale, and eHungary: Watch closely now. You own this. by John A. Kelly)

Never mind that. We gave you 200gold and several eHungarian congressmen donated their election awards but there is only 124 gold left in Eesti Pank. It is not truthful that "the money is still there" because 76gold is obviously NOT there. It is true that 62% of the money is still there. Should we dance for joy that 62% of the gold is still there?

Rafale: We agreed on the president too, there will be a RL estonian, what else do you like?

I would like transparency, honesty, integrity, debate, democracy, tolerance and good government.

Contested elections would be nice too. Let's pretend that this isn't a communist dictatorship where we have three parties but a foreign empire only allows us to vote for one candidate.

Rafale: Oh i know, you like to made us to go away. As i told you so many times before this is not a solution, try to cooperate or you'll ruin this country-not the hungarians, YOU the real estonian people will ruin if you always say no-.

Um. What can I say? This is probably the most arrogant, thoughtless, threatening piece of idiocy written in any eHungarian newspaper since the TO of eEstonia.

Here, the organizer of the TO for the eHungarian military has finally stopped saying "we're only here to help for a little while" and "we're just here to protect you from ATLANTIS" and is now saying "we're here and we're not leaving" and "we're here to protect you from yourselves."

Rafale: For example, there is the vote about the diamond's tax. Why is it bad for you? Can't you see that we don't have any diamond? Or you are a smuggler? If you are not, the answer is simple...

(1) a 1% import tax might be too low (maybe we should have a debate).

(2) The tax change will only benefit two companies, both of which Rafale has already gifted from the public treasury.

There are four gift companies in eEstonia: Estonian Gifts is smuggling via an the Indonesian-based "Estonian Gift org". Ultimate Gift is smuggling via an the Indonesian-based "Blue Whale". Oscaria Gifts is non-operational (zero employees and no job offers). S.Y.N.A.P.S.E. is owned by the eEstonian-based "Reppalim Inc", which received an 11gold gift from Eesti Pank earlier today.

There is one diamond company exporting to eEstonia: LP's Diamonds is owned by the Hungary-based "LP's Company", which received a 20 gold gift from Eesti Pank just yesterday (see Important for gift companies! by Rafale).

Rafale: Not every people is bad who talks english or hungarian, and if a people talking estonian it doesn't mean that (s)he is good.

Sorry, Rafale. You and your friends TOed a party and removed RL Estonians from the candidate lists. You then TOed the country and defeated RL Estonians with eHungrian candidates. You are now using the country's wealth to benefit yourself and your friends, which are the exact same crimes you accused other of planning. When you slandered those good people, you did so completely without any evidence to support your allegations. But you are not "every person" who speaks Hungarian: you are the one who has been spending the eEstonian treasury.

Now, you may claim that government subsidies for import licenses for favored businesses are a good idea and that government-run businesses are necessary. And, you may believe that it is right that the eHungarian government tell the people of eEstonia what to do, that eEstonia should send tribute to eHungary, and that eEstonians should be both silent and happy to be taken care of. But those ideas belong to communists and that relationship sounds a lot like RL Estonia's relationship with the USSR. In case you hadn't noticed, communists aren't particularly popular in eEstonia and the people would rather that their country be an independent democracy than a satellite of eHungary.