Why I'm Running for PSP Party President

Day 723, 01:00 Published in Austria USA by stancel

Our party is in stagnation. We are not leading, but following.

We need capable leadership, willing to infuse much needed life into the Party, and to provide a better experience for our comrades.

There will be three goals of my Party Presidency:

1. Growth
2. Transformation
3. Democratic Restructuring

We deserve to be taken seriously, but first, we must take ourselves seriously. I oppose the desperate tactics of telling people in other countries to move here and join the PSP because they can get elected with one vote. That does not give us much confidence among our own Austrian people to see us engage in such tactics.

The question of growth is a difficult one, but with the right planning and strategy, it can be done. Unfortunately, I cannot do much to change that right now as a simple member of the Party. The Party used to have positions besides Party President, positions which allowed members to participate in the running of the party. Because decision-making isn't just for who wins, but for all of us.

I will use all means at my disposal gather new Austrian recruits into the PSP. There are people already committed to a party and they may switch when we grow. Advertising is also important, but we are not selling a product. It should be used to send a message.

Part of the growth, will be an immense undertaking, a transformation of the PSP into a highly structured, organized party. I will purchase with my own gold a party organization. We will bring forth the first communes, and a party newspaper. We will have a youth group (for new members),
a paramilitary group, and a collective of journalists.

I will build up our culture. We will be a community. Fun? We will be all about fun. No more boredom. No more of the constant routine of elections, rinse repeat. There will be more to it than that.

Who do I fight for? Austria. Its workers. Its place in the world as a future leader in the region and in the world, promoting international solidarity among nations. I have been leading the formation of a congressional "bloc" opposed to current PEACE policy. I will be honest about the goal here: it is a united legislative front against these policies of PEACE GC. The invasions of Slovakia and Malaysia, were unjust attacks on neutral nations. The previous invasion against Croatia by Slovenia was also an act of aggression. Whether it's actions against neutral nations or non-PEACE ones, aggressive actions are in contradiction to the idea of a "defensive alliance". We must stand firmly against this. Leaving PEACE is an option, which can be explored through constitutionally accepted means.

Why all this talk of alliances? If PSP is to emerge as a leading party, we need to develop our positions. I do not think neutrality is something that I can view as acceptable for our party.

If elected, I will hold presidential nomination elections to determine who, from our party, will be nominated to run for President of Austria in the December 5th elections. The recent extremely close election showed how two-candidate Presidential elections only polarize and divide further. I will nominate a Presidential candidate not only because it is good for our party, but because it is good for Austria.