Why I Like the Number 3

Day 714, 20:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

Wow, it has been awhile since I've written an article. Lot's of RL things that come up that keep me from the extras I like to do on here. However, I feel that I need to make the time to show support for my Boss, Patton.

Now, you would say that I am biased, and you would be right. I do work for the man as Minister of New Citizens, and have done so faithfully for two terms. The things I have seen come from those two terms has astounded and impressed me more than anything I have seen in my short eLife.

Some question why Patton would run for a third term. I'll tell you why. Because there is more to be done. Patton makes a point to commit to a goal and see it through to completion. He is a man who gets things done by inspiring others to do what they do best. He has certainly inspired me. He recognized my passion for new citizens and gave me an opportunity to have an impact on their lives.

Each time I receive a PM from one of my noobs thanking me for my help or see one of them take the information given to them and succeed, I am validated and in turn Patton is validated. Instead of giving you vague assessments of what has and has not been accomplished. I will give you something more concrete.

-Since the beginning of the first term our retention rate has increased by 13% for new citizens.

-Patton's first term we had 42 noobs reach level 10. Patton's second term so far, we have had 124 noobs reach level 10. This last week alone we had 31 noobs hit level 10 and the number increases each week.

-Each new group is better educated than the first. With each new improvement to the other ministries and more involvement from our citizens, noobs are better equipped than ever.

Things to keep in mind when looking at retention numbers: We don't count the one timers. What I mean by that is that they sign on once, establish an account, and we never see them again. We measure those that we have been able to contact and focus our efforts on them.

Seeing the results of these efforts takes time. It's not like pushing a button and Viola! Instant Citizen! It doesn't work that way. Some noobs think they know better, some don't read their PM's, and some engage us early on and have an easier time. Each one is different. That's what makes this so facinating and frustrating at the same time.

Patton understands this better than most because he takes the time to understand. The rebirth of the IDF came about because of our conversations and conversations with others. He asked questions. I told him what was happening with the noobs. He came to the conclusion that the IDF needed to be reborn and with the help of Donovan Thomas, that was exactly what happened.

That's the kind of leader he is. That's the kind of leader we have had the last two terms and that is the kind of leader you would have with this term.

Why would Patton need to serve another term? Because there is more work to be done. Voting for Patton will allow this work to be completed. He backs words with action. These are not vague promises he makes, and you all know that.

So when going to the polls, keep that in mind. I know I will.

Long Live the Glorious Irish Republic!

Edana Savage
Minister of New Citizens, 2nd Term
Congresswoman for Cork and Kerry, 2nd Term