Why I am Running for Mayor

Day 266, 20:25 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM
From the Office of Citizen HEM
Candidate for Mayor

I admit being thrown into this campaign for Mayor by my party caught me by surprise. I mean, was I too new to try to seek political office, did I have the expeirence it took to be Mayor? And its a fair question to ask myself and the voters of eColumbus. And while there are no gaping holes in the performance of the incumbent Mayor I felt that more could be done to help improve the life's of all the people in eColumbus.

I am glad that we as a city have taken the stand to try to start a Hospital here in Columbus, I feel that it is not only a vital part of the city, but it is an immediately needed vital part of the city and I thank everyone who has contributed to get this project finished. I feel that our current Mayor should have taken the incentive to start demanding funds from the federal government sooner, and with our population on the rise this is something that simply can not wait.

While I believe our current Mayor has done a modest job I feel even more can be done, and now he is even holding a seat in Congress further dividing his attention from the issues that are vital to this city.

If I am elected Mayor I will work to try to get more newer players involved in all aspects of the Erepublik and I will work to make sure citizens of Columbus get fair wages instead of the meager salaries they are forced to live off of. We need to start players with a higher salary to help them work their way up. A home should be something every Erepublik citizen should be able to work hard for and to get.

I want to thank everyone for reading this, and I encourage anyone with questions to PM me, I am interested to hear from you all.

-Citizen HEM, Candidate for Mayor