Why food is still the best weapon

Day 1,505, 05:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ePocalypse

I wrote an article about this very subject 418 days ago and although a lot has changed since then, the principle remains the same. Food fights are by far the most efficient way of fighting.

I will explain why with some example data from a complete noob (Hi Tom).

Right click, view image for larger version

The same principles apply whatever strength you are as the formulas remain constant.

As you can see from the data, food fights are considerably cheaper than fights with weapons. Therefore, the only time you should use weapons is when you are already planning to max out on food fights. It’s cheaper to do more food fights than it is to use weapons. Take the objective of 20,000 damage in the above example. It would cost £496.24 to do the damage barehanded but £757.58 to do the same using the cheapest weapon option. Not only would you save £261.34 by fighting barehanded but you would also gain additional XP from the extra fights.

You can also see from the data that if you are already maxing out your food fights and so wish to use weapons for additional damage, Q6 weapons are the only way to go. Don’t waste your money on lower quality ones.

It’s important for the nation that everyone fights smart. That means fighting as efficiently as possible. By doing this, you will do more damage, save money, rank up quicker and gain XP quicker.

So next time you’re thinking about asking for weapons from government or an MU, why not think about asking for food instead? The more efficient we all are, the better our results and development as individuals and as a nation.

Hope this helps some of you.

Dan Moir