Why eUS should leave Terra and move to ONE

Day 1,462, 15:25 Published in USA USA by DrummerMike

The following is an article by DrummerMike.

Dear fellow Americans, serbians, and anyone else that has no life and plays erepublik all the time,

As a loyal american i insist on no one calling me a traitor or anything,

I insist on America leaving TERRA and joining ONE.

The Benefits would be endless.

ONE seems like a closer pacted alliance, they fight together, when one is in trouble they are all in trouble and push and advance until they regain control of there territories and unleash there revenge on the attacker.

ONE is dominated by the strongest countries in the game, with that power behind the United States, the United States in a month or two can become stronger than any country on the eRepublikan earth.

With the strength of countries like Serbia, Poland, Spain, ETC. Terra will fall without the USA or begin a decline. Serbia and Poland will begin to move away and focus on taking europe and asia, leaving USA to take the Americas. So more land for USA

This will also lead to the USA being able to decrease taxes and higher resource boost. Leading to a prosperous economy.

There are many more benifits of eUSA joining ONE. This will not happen though with the current administration. We need to revamp the USA, clear some of the administration and put in people who will get the job done right or leave terra at least.


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Shout if you agree, or at least thought that this is the most thought ive put into something in the past months ive been here.

Signing out,

New Conservative Party
USAF PXO - 2nd Div. 4th Plat.
Former Congressmen
Future Presidential Candidate (Like Way future)

Edit: You subscibe to my paper, and you put V+S below, or some indication that you subscibed, ill gladly go to your paper and subscibe.