Why ePolitics collapsed

Day 1,406, 05:46 Published in Ireland Greece by pantel

We are once more, after a congress election and i want to congratulate the ILP for the nice result but i can't ignore the fact that ePolitics seems more powreless than ever.

The question is why?Why an once very active part of the game has ended up being a boring routine?

First of all we should think what is politics.As I see it politics has to do with choices.Choices in matters of economy and social freedom.ePolitcs was a little different since not many things of social freedom are left to discuss.In a great percent the game itself has decided about the amount of liberty that the players are allowed to have so few things are left for a eParty to do on these matters

But what about economy?

Economy was the gas that gave fuel to numerous political clashes around the eWorld.I have taken part in many fights about taxes so i am an eye witness of this.But why fight now?

Why fight for import tax when i can sell in a country in a standard price even with 99% import tax?

Why fight for the value of the local currency when only "mysterious player(s)" wants to make cold local currency

Why try to controll the market when market is controlled by the same "mysterious player(s)"

So what really collapsed was not ePolitics but eEconomy and politics followed as a result.It was always difficult to have a political plan with the game changing constantly now it is just impossible