Why do politics come with contreversy?

Day 888, 19:01 Published in USA USA by S-Mac31

All the state of Alaska wanted was a fair. It seems as if we are not going to get it.

Before I write this, I want EVERYONE to know that:
1.) I am not complaining.
2.) I am not saying I was cheated
3.) I am not accusing WarriorX of cheating

Well I went to bed at 1030PM EST with a 5-2 lead, but with the voters moving at night, I knew nothing was settled. I sent my moving tix to my manager (enough for 7--10 people), who said I had nothing to worry about. Cloyd Wallis said he wanted to see me win and that him and his buddy were gonna come up and vote.

When I woke up and checked the status, I had lost 9-5. I messaged my manager, a bit frustrated that he had taken my moving tickets and not sent me voters. I messaged Cloyd that I saw he didnt make it up in time, and he had his own problems and it wasnt a big deal at all.

My manager said he sent me 8 voters and none of their votes would register. I told him that that would never happen, and that I knew he just stole my tix.

Then Cloyd Wallis responded, saying that he voted and his friend, and that he didnt know what I was saying.

I though perhaps I misread, but I went back, and the 5 votes were still there. I looked for answers to my questions, so I messaged the admins. I also messaged the winner, WarriorX to explain to him.

What WarriorX said to me sealed the contreversy. WarriorX said to me that he never recieved his prize for winning the election, and that there was definitely something wrong.

So eUSA, you be the judge. I have nothing agianst WarriorX, he is a great guy, what should be done about the situation? Vote it up and comment!