Why do politicians lie?

Day 279, 02:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by KIA Sneak
Why do politicians lie?

A question that is both easy and hard to answer.

In RL it’s a widely known fact that most politicians lie to us. Its becoming so common that somehow its acceptable.

Whenever I here a political broadcast on accidentally change to the parliament channel I always think two things when hearing a politician talk.

1) What is the fact behind what they say? Now although I call them lies they are usually truths hidden behind so much propaganda its impossible to tell what the truth is.

2) What is in it for them? This is the big one. The answer to my first question is simple. They want more power. So whenever I hear the lies I have to think why lie about that? Usually pressure points feed on public opinion and cause voters to loose confidence in a certain party.

An example would be the uproar over the Government loosing data (the train incident etc). By continuously brining up the subject it changes from just one mistake to the horrors of the government that cannot keep our information safe.

We start to wonder every time we give them our details whether it will be lost.

Anyway back onto what I’m writing this for. Over the last month and the coming months you are likely to hear a lot of propaganda. There is no way of stopping this for its freedom o speech and who would want to stop it? The simple fact is all parties will use propaganda but when reading it please think about those two things.

Good propaganda and Bad propaganda?

Yes personally I think there are two different types.

When the PCP was rising to power we covered the media in articles containing propaganda. Now im not going to pretend we are above using propaganda but I would say that our articles where always truthful. We where doing so well we didn’t have to lie we simply made sure the facts had the most positive effect by backing them with words.

The point here is during the two months that we did this we made sure that the articles where about us. We only talked bout how good we where as a party, how we could run the country better.

Recently the other parties have chosen to cloud the media pages with propaganda but instead of talking about how good they are or how voting for them is the right thing they choose to talk about how evil we are and how voting for us is wrong.

Again this is all fair they are allowed to do as they please but personally I think it’s a shame that they have to complain instead of brag.

When the PCP was the third biggest former UK party we where great friends with UKRP. We work with them for the good of the UK and even defended allegations against them. Although some UKRP members are both pleasant and helpful towards us others are questionable.

I simply ask you to think about why there articles are against us instead of for them.

I would also like to give the suggestion that this is because they don’t think they could run the country better but just don’t like us being in power.