Why did communism fail in the USSR?

Day 187, 07:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stan Wephen

A lot of people are going to be shouting about how the Soviet Union failed and how communism can never work etc. This article will be about why communism failed originally, not because of communism as an ideal, but because of other factors.

1) The Soviet Union never reached communism. Ok, this statement will have a lot of you going "What?! That makes no sense! I know the USSR was communist!" Well, think again. Yes, there was a Russian Revolution, and yes, for perhaps the first few years there was a communist ideal in place. But by 1920, Stalin took control. And then USSR became Stalinst, not communist.

"Hang on! What's the difference?" Well, Stalinism was a dictatorship that took away the personal freedoms of the people, something communism never aims to do. Stalinism was a dictatorship, whilst communism advocates the people choosing a leader. Stalinism has been described by many communists as "bureaucratized degenerated workers' state", "state capitalism" and "bureaucratic collectivism". Clearly not communist.

2) It wasn't the communism Karl Marx envisioned. Karl Marx believed in a gradual process of developing socialism, as people began to see how corrupt capitalism was. Unfortunately, he died before his dream could be realised, but he knew it could take decades, even centuries to truely achieve. His dream didn't involve any bloodshed or violence. The Russian Revoluton was bloody and violent. If we as true communists took Karl Marx's original dream, a beautiful dream, and made that a reality then I promise you, communism would flourish.

3) The USSR was on its own. The capitalist countries of the west, the USA, the UK, were very happy to see the USSR fail. Communism was meant to be a world-wide movement, one that would spread through the world like dominoes. That way, the entire world and its resources could be shared out, more than enough for mankind. But it was the capitalist countries that hoarded the resouces, stopped the USSR from expanding, and was why it was bought to its knees.

I could go on, giving reason after reason for its failure. But I maintain my stance that communism can and will work. Let us work together to build a state where there is no rich elite, no poor oppressed, but only equals, brothers and sisters. A nation where we know we can stand together and work for a better future.

"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his needs." (Karl Marx)
Stan Wephen