Why built 9000 capacity storage

Day 1,329, 12:58 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Monkeyboom Yau

The reason why should i built 9000 capacity storage??

from prvious news : "http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/newbie-program-face-some-problem-some-one-can-land-a-hand--1818047/1/20"

hi and a very good mormning to everyone.

The reason why should i built 9000 capacity storage??

-long term view
some one donate once the amount may be 100,500,750,and so on. Now also have receive weapon and food for NP. If i purchase 1000 capacity storage,the problem will face by NP again in the future.

-limited land.
now i have 4 extra land.better for me to purchase:
(a) 1 land and 1 unit 9000 capacity storage, 3 land for future use??
(b) 4 land 4 unit 1000 capacity storage.
which will be more better??

the following people have donate some gold for NP to built 9000 capacity storage:

- Lenin1990 donate 0.54G
(time 3.08 July 10 day 132😎

-Prince Athre Aorentz donate 3G
(time 12.11 July 10 day 132😎

-Teming donate 5G
(time 18.07 July 10 day 132😎

Now still needed 21.46G hope will get some donation to solve the problem that NP and i have face it now. no matter how many you donate. we will appreciate it.

hope will get your support

From Monkeyboom Yau
Leader of Newbie Program (NP)