Why BigAnt will never be as popular as King Woldy

Day 2,023, 11:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by furdelance

As the election draws near, the two front-runners appear to be BigAnt and Woldy. Both have had several terms as CP and therefore have experience on running the country. This should mean that, in theory, both have an equal chance of winning and that the deciding factor must be a strong campaign to gain public support. But in my opinion, I think Woldy has a distinct advantage, and here's why.

The massive TUP smear campaign that BigAnt runs is has backfired to the point that anything he says that is anti-TUP just decreases his support. Discreetly hiding snide comments in every article doesn't help either. It just makes him seem childish with no reason for it. This automatically makes at least 20% of the population against Bigant. For example, a recently written article supposedly fighting with respect and honour served no other purpose than to attack the reputation of a very well known TUP member. On the other hand, If Woldy does insult,disagree with or offend someone; a reason is given for doing so. This menas that they can learn from what they have done and correct it.

Second, aligning yourself with BigAnt is a very exclusive club. Unless your part of his circle your not likely to end up in a prominent place in his cabinet unless your very good at what your doing. And yes, BigAnt may say that he has appointed TUP members and other members in the past, but is that just to make yourself look good, or is it actually because you think they will do well. Woldy does, and it is easy to see that he does not give cabinet positions based on party membership. Skill, dedication and commitment to the well-being of the eUK are the deciding factors of a cabinet position.

Thirdly, public opinion. BigAnt is a bit of a dictator. While consulting his inner-circle, he will decide how to run the country, regardless of public opinion. I don't higher taxes, I wasn't consulted. But BigAnt proudly puts in his manifesto that it is the way forward. He has frequently side-stepped the issue of a real national MU where the government has actual authority to give orders. On the other side of the spectrum, we have Woldy. He offered a survey for those willing to take part in which direction the country should take. And lo and behold, no tax rises and a unified MU promised in his manifesto. If you ask the people, they will give you the answer.

BigAnt hard at work

So in conclusion, Woldy has a strong possibility of winning, with only the fanboys and the blind voting for BigAnt. But in any case, to both candidates, I wish you the best of luck in tomorrows election. Here's to a brighter future for the eUK. o7

tl;dr vote Woldy