Why am I still here?

Day 1,791, 08:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grushnag

I've been asking myself this question for a few weeks now.
What am I doing here?
What keeps me playing this "game"?
Well,you can't call this a game,at least not anymore.
I gave up on eRep in v1 and came back shortly in v2 and gave up again,and got back in v3 and now,in the worst version I'm still here?
It all comes down to a couple mouse clicks(in my case anyway).

What am I waiting for?

Some radical change I guess,something that will make this less monotonous
although I'm quite sure its never gonna happen. I don't know why,but
I'm still hoping for it and I wanna be there when/if it happens.
But,as we all know,Plato plays different "game".
I understand "he" needs money for running the server but enough is enough.
Just look at marketplace and especially at monetary market.


low salaries low product prices,low RAW(food RAW at minimum)
low gold prices in the monetary market......

Q7 (the most profitable thing)


Thats all that is left (sadly).
I'm not saying that you can't progress without buying gold
but its extremly slow process and it takes a lot of patience and iron will.
Besides the game doesen't offer anything interesting except waging wars,and politics which is not really appealling to me,just don't see myself as a successful politician.
I'm only affraid that I could become fed up with fighting cause it slowly
feels more like a routine rather than a thrill.
So I will have to do a lot of thinking in the next few days before making
some decisions(leaving or staying) cause this doesn't leads anywhere.

I would like to thank RAF for the good time spent,its a real pleasure guys.
I think I said everythig that was on my mind
🙂 see ya!(or not) 🙂