Why Am I A Federalist?

Day 1,254, 19:20 Published in USA United Kingdom by Metta WorldPeace

Why am I a Federalist? Is it because the Feds approached me when I was barely on my feet, asking if I needed help? Is it because they are active and know what they're doing? Is it because the Feds care for each individual member?

Since I have joined the Feds, I have made friends. Friends that you couldn't find anywhere else on eRep. With the Feds, I feel appreciated, liked, and honored to be with them.

To be truthful, this was me before the Feds...

This is me today, after the Feds helped me.

The Federalist's aren't just another political party. They are a family. A family that cares for each other. That makes sure every members has what they need to be successful and live a fulfilling eLife.

I am apart of a family that cares. I am a Federalist.

P.S. Being with the Feds make me Proud & Horny. Do you want to be Proud and Horny...?