Why a training war between Switzerland and Austria is a good idea

Day 1,186, 21:04 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Migrant
1. 10% training bonus to all citizens of our countries.

2. Boost for our economies. We’ll be able to use great amount of surpluses of food and weapon that lie in our stocks. The only way to use products here is via war. We produce much more than we consume. Those products made in our countries can be only exported for little money or stay in stocks waiting for a miracle to be consumed. Bad things got worsen with manager work.
There will be medal hunters. They'll steal our medals, and shift balance but, they'll bring gold and buy food and weapon in our market.

3. Constant source of medals. You will proudly show your medal bar that you earned in epic battles of the bloody war between regional superpowers. This process must be organized. We can reserve a number of battles for the young ones. Even the weakest have chance.

4. Source of gold. Our states will get gold from the won medal. Decent citizens will take 3 gold and give 2 gold to the special funds. The exact amount should be decided by congress. Even if half of medals will be gotten by our citizens it’ll make 20 gold total, 12 gold go to your pockets, 8 gold to the state treasure for each country. In 10 days each country will raise fund of 80 gold. Citizens will get richer for 120 gold. Those who do not give away money to the state fund will be on the naughty list and Santa will not bring presents for them. Also their names will be announced in the newspaper and people will be said not to vote for them in the congress elections. They’ll be not allowed to the state organs.

5. We’ll be able to create a functioning army. We will need people to be on the alert for the war to go smoothly and right. They will have to shoot in time in the right places. It requires going from one country to another to save rounds to help one side win. They will have to keep balance of this war. They might have state supply of food and gold and the medals they win fully go to the state. In case of landing operations the prize money might be shared with the host country half to half. For example, Switzerland must win this battle, but for some reasons we are losing, the Austrian troops land in our country and win 2 medals, 5 gold go to the Swiss treasury and 5 to the Austrian treasury. And vise versa. With all these activities an army will grow itself, naturally.
Besides, this army will not fight for the other countries' interest. This army will have a real task on daily basis for the good of its own country.

6. Natural Enemy? No! Natural friends. If one of our countries becomes an aim of invasion the other have opportunity to act quickly to overrun the territories and save it from invasion. If we had the Austrians as natural friends they would have taken most of our regions before the Germans.
We, small countries, must help each other. We have a lot in common. German roots, international populations, size, vulnerability to the big neighbor countries.

Rules of war.
1. Defender must win.
2. Keep 2 rounds gap for the defending side.
3. Tanks keep fire for the first 8 battles if things go right.
4. Tanks/Army steps in if the gap is less then two.
5. There are reserved rounds for the young ones.
6. No MPPs. As soon as there is an MPP we shut the war down.

Each country raises funds
1. Army fund, to straighten war if something goes wrong.
2. Resistance fund, to liberate regions in worst case scenario
3. Party fund, to create party after liberation in worst case scenario

Those funds are raised separately by both countries but are used as one for one side if necessary.
It means if one side is erased the other side dedicates all its funds to liberate the other in fair share, of course.

This is a game. Stop being grown ups, take risk, make fun!

P.S. I wish this article were republished in the Austrian media. Any Austrian citizen can publish it in his/her newspaper. Since our president expressed approval to this idea, that could be a state Switzerland newspaper. We need our societies to discuss this idea.