Day 1,536, 04:11 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1536

Israel Stevens inspects a rifle donated to the Civilian MU Gun Drive

Dateline: Friday, February 3, 2012 (Day 1536)
Location: White House Press Room

Today's Agenda: Gun Drive; Econ Module Update; Pink Menace

Gun Drive to Benefit the US Civilian Military Unit
Secretary of Media Israel Stevens

My fellow Americans,
I come before you in a time of need. Our enemies are rallying their forces, drawing ever closer to our doorstep. We must be prepared to stand tall, and defend not only ourselves, but our allies as well.

One of the first lines of defense, is the eUS Civilian MU. This military unit is an easy, commitment free way for new players to get their reward for completing the daily orders. And to assist them in this endeavor, Vice President rainy sunday supplies the dedicated civilians with as many guns as she can lay her hands on.

And this is where you come in. The members of the Civilian MU need more weapons.
All Americans are asked to donate any spare weapons they have lying around.

The quality does not matter

All that matters is putting weapons into the hands of our citizen soldiers. Please take a moment of your time and donate some weapons to rainy sunday.

Click the image to donate weapons directly to rainysunday!

Limits Placed on Production
Guest Writer Gnilraps

Beginning with day 1536, the manufacturing free-for-all of the past few days has ended.

Q6 manufacturers were making tanks in huge numbers since Admin implemented the new Econ system because of the ability to run a company's production multiple times throughout the day.

Today's update limits every company to one full run per day, meaning high-Q companies will only be able to produce 10 workers worth of goods.

They have finally killed off the Hire-Fire practice that was inflating the wages market (and filling our tax coffers). Employers can still Hire-Fire, but the new employees worker-production will not be able to be used in a company which has already run its products.

I expect rising prices and falling wages.

The Growing Pink Menace

Just sayin'...

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 19:00 eRep (10 Eastern, 7 Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

Last night's Oval Office Radio featured the Presidential Debate between front runners Oblige, Vanek26 and Aeriela.
eNPR Executive Producer Jude Connors was joined by former POTUS Cerb and Congressman Civil Anarchy to host and moderate the historic February 2012 eRep eUS Presidential Debate. Record numbers of players listened in and participated by sending in questions to the candidates via #eNPR.

If you missed the live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio

"The reward for supporting the Civilian MU is a stronger America. Do your part!"

Read more from our President, in his newspaper: Savior

Recommended Reading:
| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio | Terra Times | Voice of EDEN |

Join a Military or Militia: Links Updated 02.03.12 😉
eRebuglik now breaks links to Google Docs. If your link is broken, please contact this Org with a TinyURL or similar shortcut.
| US Civilian MU | US Armed Forces Boot Camp | US Army | Special Forces | Ultramarines | SEAL Team 6 |
| EZ Company | Bad Company | Fraternity Shock Troops | Bear Cavalry | Pickle's Patriots | Hell Jumpers |
| eUS Training Corps | National Guard | Mobile Infantry | eUS Army | Airborne | Marine Corps |

Secretary of Media Israel Stevens
Press Corps Director George Armstrong Custer
Press Corps Writers Kooguy, Athanaric

With special thanks to Gnilraps for his follow-up on Admins' changes to the Economy module.

WHPR Day 1536
Civilian MU Gun Drive, Econ Update & More!

Do your part to keep America strong!