Who is Jeff Hamilton?

Day 458, 15:45 Published in Thailand Austria by Jeff Hamilton

In the last article that I wrote for my newspaper, I announced my candidacy for President of Thailand running on the Thai Nationalist Party ticket. The resulting comments were neither positive nor negative, but were mostly in the vein of "who is this guy?"

Here is who I am:

I am Jeff Hamilton. I was originally "born" in the eUSA slightly more than three months ago, but moved to Thailand soon after news reached me about the Rockman Scandal (which was roughly 5 days after my 'birth"). From the second that I had heard of it, Thailand seemed like an excellent place to move to; a frontier land untamed at that point by the great masses of people so commonly found in the eUSA and other large countries, a land where opportunity abounded and anyone could choose to express their voice.

Despite this opportunity, however, I did not choose to express my voice on the eThai stage. I went quietly along in Thailand, working my way up through the levels, never commenting in the local press, never partaking in politics (except to vote for President). I did this because I knew at the time that Thailand was in the hands of great leaders, from the first Roberts administration through the King, Kilmore, and second Roberts administrations.

However, this itself has changed. Thailand's populace, the same populace that weathered such crises as the Rockman administration and the Brazilian Exodus, split over a point of ideology that shook the very political foundations of this country and turned previously cordial citizens at each other's throats over a comparatively minor issue.

This is what drove me into politics. The galling accusations thrown at the President of degrading the office which he holds, and by extension the nation itself, only serve to divide the once-unified people of Thailand against each other and turn us all into ideological zealots. A divided Thailand is not one in which I wish to live.

In short, my fellow eThais, I am Jeff Hamilton.