Who Deserves the Gold?

Day 2,017, 17:52 Published in South Africa Bolivia by atrawall

Recently Marmaduke published and article about who should be entitled gold from our recent gold mine situation. Despite its propaganda statements and wrongful accusations, I think that there actually was something there.

What makes a certified citizen?

Is it the forums? UrosDjeneral and Dule87 aren't certified citizens on the forums despite being active in-game. I think that I could find 2 active society members off the top of my head who deserve Gold, and sadly, there are many more.
The "Forum Certification" should be excluded.

So what makes only "Certified Citizens" worthy?
-Marmaduke hasn't done anything wrong, since he came back. Does he deserve Gold? I think so.

Then there's the PTO groups.
-The RTP Desert Lions have been here a long time and always fought hard for us. They also fought hard during the Gold mine battles and I think that they should be rewarded as well. Citizens like naroist and crueldestiny have continued supplying regular citizens within their ranks and deserve rewarded for this.

-The NPSA came here to PTO, but decided to stay and become good. This was working until a member recently illegally accepted Battle Hero MKD. They fought hard for the Mine too.

It is my 100% belief thatEVERYONE who was here during the Gold mine saga should be entitled gold. With only a few exceptions.

It's always a joke about "How can we punish people for illegally accepting Citizens?" The answer is that there's nothing we can do "In-Game." What we can do, however, is refuse them this gold. I think that any congress member who has gained their seat due to joining a party with multiple accounts should be excluded from this incentive. ESPECIALLY those who have illegally accepted Citizens.

I also believe the Lazocrats should not receive any gold, since most haven't been here long enough, and the ones who were, were supposed to leave months ago.

The People who should not receive Gold imo:
(These are names of those who accepted Illegal Citizens)

Henock Haukongo
Gjorgji Krstevski

I think this is the only fair way, as it only excludes those who accepted illegal citizens SINCE the Gold mine. If you can convince those that you let in to leave the country, then you will be eligible for your Gold.

Edited List (Since Leon feels that if these 2 Desert Lions are Excluded that ALL Desert Lions should be excluded.)

Angel With Attitude
El Fidel
Leon Reno
Desert Lion
Neptun Steel

The link to request gol😛 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pzu0CMwE0pd_-qcW6Eb2ybyee88GJb_z3m2IvETQ1-s/viewform

EDIT: For the record, these are my thoughts on the topic after really thinking about who fought for the gold mine and the fairest way to distribute gold. My previous arguments are now null, as I have change opinions in some cases.