Who Am I? I'm Exmongum!

Day 1,897, 22:30 Published in Canada Canada by Exmongum

I am writing this article in response to Corrigan Brown's challenge. It is truly an interesting and inspiring challenge, to share what makes you tick. So I accept the challenge.

My in-game name is Exmongum, in RL my name is Eric. I am a redhead. I have five brothers and a sister. I was adopted, as are three of my brothers. I am eighteen. I am in grade twelve. I am a Christian. I enjoy reading quite a lot. I am currently reading City of God by St.Augustine. I also read fan fiction(not the creepy kinds, ones that fit in the canon of their respective series and emphasize plot) and have over fifty bookmarked. My favourite TV shows are 1000 Ways to Die and Phineas and Ferb. Games I play other than this one include Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, and Little Inferno. My IQ, when last measured, is 107. My strong suit is vocabulary where I am in the ninety-eighth percentile. I have a mild form of autism that impedes my social skills, which is my weak area. My political views are in favour of a mix of liberalism and socialism, like Sweden. I tend to obsessively research anything I fear in order to no longer fear it(didn't work with spiders). I think about the issues of life for hours at a time. I prefer philosophy to science for answers to the ills of society, and science for the ills of the flesh. The eRepublik players I look up to the most are Wilhelm Gunter, Plugson, and Homer J Simpson.