Who Am I? [challenge]

Day 1,897, 06:21 Published in Canada Canada by Corrigan Brown

Who am I? Well, I'm Corrigan Brown. I am a hardcore anti-traditionalist, libertarian, shit disturber, liberal, atheist sunuvabitch who will give a philosophical earful to anyone who'll listen. I'm a fan of controversial subjects, trolling and having political debates. I love erepublik, I hate not knowing things. I despise it when people use fallacies to shut down arguments that they don't like to argue about, I hate it when people excuse shit behavior with shit excuses and get away with it, I hate favoritism and don't like solidarity. I am anti-capitalist, but also anti-communist. I prefer individualism and scientific theory. I am more materialist than i'd like to be. I love competing, but hate losing. I am an introvert, but I have friends. I love pissing off and questioning authority, and watching their retaliations. My beliefs about the world would be considered sinful by most religious people, and that amuses me. I am very vocal in my beliefs. I cannot say I am not biased, but I like to say that I am able to take a step back and look at the big picture. I am naturally suspicious and immediately suspect ulterior motives. I am a writer, I write stories for amusement, but never finish 90% of what I start. Which is funny because I hate starting things I know I can't finish. I am firm, brutally honest and can be disrespectful a lot of the time.

So what was the purpose of this article? Mostly I was bored in class, but I was also curious. I challenge all to release an article like this, to explain your beliefs and tell us what you really are. Will you? Probably not. I'm prepared for the failure.

Unless, there's a prize.

40q7 tanks to a random player who comments their article link below.

Happy writing!