White House Press Release #76: A New Way of Doing Things

Day 839, 08:49 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Official White House Press Release (#76): A New Way of Doing Business

7 March January 2010, Day 838 of the New World.

The contents of this White House Press Release are:

1. President PigInZen Announces A New Way of Doing Things

2. The Phillipines, India, China, and Thailand Flex Their Muscle

3. REACH Out to Make New Friends

4. Ex-Pats: Come Home

5. The Emerick Awards: Win 5 Gold!

President PigInZen Announces A New Way of Doing Things

Readers of the White House Press Releases are accustomed to seeing somewhere between two and six issues per Presidential term. President PigInZen, however, envisions a much stronger line of communication extending between his office and the American people. As such, expect daily releases to be issued from the White House. No more secrecy: President PigInZen and his administration want to keep you in the loop!

Because Executive Branch communication will be much more thorough and frequent, it is essential that the American people subscribe to the White House Press Releases as well as the other departmental newspapers found at the bottom of every WHPR. On a related note, the storied Pony Express is alive and well! Anyone interested in helping taking back control of our media from the Phoenix trolls should subscribe to this newspaper today. Each day you’ll find an article in the newspaper linking you to stories to help vote up to the Top 5. In doing so, you’re ensuring that American people stay informed about important news. Subscribe today with your player account and your organizations!

Another ramification of the new-and-improved communication is an even greater need for writers! If you’re interested in sharing your writing talent with the Federal Government, send a message to the James S. Brady Press Room.

The Philippines, India, China, and Thailand Flex Their Muscle

As any strategist will tell you, having the most firepower on the battle field is not the only thing that matters. Equally important is the ability to maximize the effectiveness of that firepower. In recent days, the United States has coordinated region-swapping in eastern Asia with the Philippines, India, China, and Thailand. Together, these five countries have helped maintain their sovereignty against the Phoenix invaders of Serbia, Hungary, Russia, and Indonesia. The United States government would like to recognize the tremendous efforts that our Asian allies have made towards increasing Asian security. We thank you.

On a related note, the US government would again like to express their condolences to the true eSouth African government over their recent set-backs. Similarly, we support Australia in its efforts to maintain its sovereignty and to drive off those who try to succeed through ill-gotten gains.

REACH Out to Make New Friends

Another focus of President PigInZen’s term will be recruiting. As such, REACH, the government’s recruiting organization, will be stepping up their efforts in a big way. Led by former Congressmen and capable leader Jeremyr, the department will be announcing big things on the recruiting front in the near future.

Ex-Pats: Come Home

The White House would like to issue a message to all the American players who have moved to other eCountries for one reason or another: come home, your country wants you. Over the lifespan of eRepublik, a number of American players have gone elsewhere to try a new life. While certainly understandable, the White House would like to welcome you back to your true home, America. Given President PigInZen’s commitment to involve as many people as possible in governing our great eCountry, the United Sates will always have room for you. So, please, apply for citizenship today.

The Emerick Awards: Win 5 Gold!

As mentioned in WHPR #75, The Flufferton Foundation is taking submissions for their Emerick Awards Series. Simply send The Flufferton Foundation a message containing a link to the article you would like to submit for the Zoli Prize for True Reporting (Covering trolling and Opinion pieces) and you could win 5 gold! Deadline is Day 840 at 23:59 eRepublik Time.

Useful Links
Department of Defense Orders
President PigInZen’s Newspaper
Vice President Andy Costello’s Newspaper
State Department News
USA Department of the Interior
The Army Times
Mobile Infantry Battle Cry
The Welcoming Committee Newspaper
Flying Unicorn News

This concludes the seventy-sixth White House Press Release and the second of this Presidential term. Be sure to observe DoD Orders, as the war is ever-changing!

Stay Thirsty My Friends,

Mr. Hyphenated
Secretary of the Media

Deputy Secretary of the Media

Gnaeus Progenitor
White House Press Secretary