Which eUK Party is Built on Lies?

Day 2,085, 09:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

I was doing some detective work last night and found some shocking discoveries. The Radical Democratic Party is lying to our new eUK players! I asked RDP to change the lies they put in the welcoming message to new players but they didn't want to listen to me so I thought a bit of public pressure might do something. Evidence below, lets hope they change something.

Radical Democratic Party Caught Lying

I have caught the Radical Democratic Paty lying in their "informative guide" for new players. You can read it by clicking here, however it may have changed since the publication of this article. This party is lying to new players in order to make them want to join RDP, and hate the parties TUP, UKRP and ESO. This article contains the evidence.

Lie 1: TUP and Kravenn

"don’t join a party who keeps electing the same muppets, for example TUP have a member called Kravenn, he has 42 congress medals, thats 42 months in congress. They don’t allow anyone else to have a chance in congress!"

There is actually more then one lie in this quote. Firstly, TUP do allow other players to have a chance in Congress because it is a well known fact that TUP have more then one Congressman. A lot of players are often higher then Kravenn on the Congress list meaning Kravenn does not get the highest priority.
Secondly, TUP does not elect Congress, the eUK does. This proves that it is the eUK who elects Kravenn and other TUP Congressmen, not TUP.

Lie 2: New Players Running RDP

"New Players will run #RDP and chose its future"

This all depends on what you consider as new, but most people will agree that players over a year old in eRepublik are not new. Currently, the PP role is being held by BigAnt who is not new to the game. Jamie2721 who holds the vPP role is also not a new player. Also, out of the 5 candidates for this upcoming PP election at least two of them are not new, one of them is BigAnt who is likely to win the election and make sure that the party is still run by older players.

Lie 3: Inner Circles

"Currently parties like TUP/UKRP/ESO only support players who have been playing for 2-3 years and have their own inner circles. Its time new players get a voice and a chance to run the country!"

This is a funny lie because BigAnt was part of the inner circle of New Era before his failed attempt in PTOing a small party. TUP, UKRP and ESO do not only support old players which is shown by there high amounts of new players in the party. Each party has had new players as Congressmen just like most big parties in the eUK. I was even a Congressman for ESO when I was new!

Lie 4: Best Paying Jobs

"Want to get the best paying UK JOB? £25 Daily"

Another funny one! You would start to think BigAnt is a comedian. They could mean this in two ways. Firstly, they might state that they pay more pounds then any other eUK job which is incorrect as the Red Coats offer £40 a day which could go up to £50 soon. Secondly they might have put the wrong figure and mean that their MU offers more Q7 weapons then anyone which is 10 Q7 a day. The Legion offers 16 Q7 weapons a day, a lot more then the RDP MU.

I hope everyone reading this now knows what lies are being spread around the Radical Democratic Party, and I hope that this can be solved quickly. If we lie to our new players we are just continuing the fighting between the two sides of eUK politics. Thanks for reading!

This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 5th of August 2013. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.