Where to Live in Canada

Day 568, 10:29 Published in Canada Canada by Rigour6

(note: this will serve as a how-to aid for new players, also raises editorial issues after the stars)

New citizens of the eworld are often surprised to find that Wellness, more than any other quality, is a determinant of success here. What this means, in no uncertain terms, is that access to top-quality hospitals is key to success at work, ability to fight repeated rounds in wars or exercises, and level advancement.

The above graph shows access to health care in Canada. The green Q5 and yellow Q4 sectors represent 58% and 34% respectively. In other words 92% of eCanadians have access to the top two levels of health care. Based on this, it's tempting to say there's no health care issue in Canada, right?

This of course is based on the idea that if people want health care, they should move to where the hospitals are. An idea that makes perfect strategic sense at first glance. You want to know where to live in Canada? Here's the list:


1. Ontario Hospital Q5, Defense system Q5 Population 2282
2. Alberta Hospital Q5 Defenses System Q1Population 428

3. Nova Scotia Hospital Q4, Defense Q5 Population 197

4. Quebec Hospital Q4, Defense Q5 Population 716
It is tempting to place both la belle province and BC in the same rang as Nova Scotia but NS’s borders give it a slight edge. This is no compensation for the culture for les gens du pays, you can be sure.
4. BC Hospital Q4, Defense Q5 Population 689

6. Manitoba Hospital Q4, Defense 0, Population 152
Seems like an anomaly that such a region would have such health care with this population base, but the answer can be found in the history books, namely those which tell of the Nave’s Toe war.
6. Nunavut Hospital Q4, Defense 0 Population 70

8. NWT Hospital 3, Defense System 0 Population 54

9. Newfoundland Hospital Q1, Defense System Q2 Population 71

10. Yukon Hospital Q1, Defense System Q1 Population 28

11. Saskatchewan Hospital Q1, Defense System 0 Population 102
New Brunswick Hospital Q1, Defense System 0 Population 70
PEI Hospital Q1, Defense System 0, Population 46

* * * * * *

Let's take that logic a little bit further now. Without going reductio ad absurdum, why build any new hospitals at all anywhere? Let's all just move to Ontario and be done with it. Leave the rest as a wasteland, that would be the individual smartest thing to do.

Except that it isn't for one key reason: citizen retention.

Here's a newsflash: people are more likely to stay and build if they can do so in their home province. If we want a strong Canada, we need a bigger population. And a bigger population means motivated citizens.

More than half of the physical territories of eCanada are not served by quality health care Many of those citizens have become expats in Ontario, but a number have stopped playing altogether because they want to play in their home.

Don't believe me? Then why are 48% of Canadians willingly choosing to live in less than Q5 hospital zones, and why are 7% of them continuing to live in Q1 zones? Because pride of place for them is more important than individual advantage. These people, all 42% of them, represent a pool of committed and underutilized force, not to mention the many people behind them who would join and continue to play if their home territory has higher quality health care.

What does this mean?

1. Spem Reduxit calls on the government of Canada NOT to scrap the current Q4 hospital under construction. Instead we recommend it be allocated to one of our current Q1 territories. Factors which could be used to determine which will be a subject of a future edition.

2. Spem Reduxit calls on all its readership to understand the truth about our nation,which is as follows: eCanada will only be strong when all of its regions are strong. Our willingness as a nation to allow disparities in ehealth care to persist betrays our essential values as Canadians.

Former PM Bruck, for which this paper has great respect, has made the point that no other nation in the eworld has multiple territories with top quality hospitals, for the simple reason that it makes little strategic sense. We agree. We believe that eCanada should strive for high quality in health care and make that our statement to the world about our fundamental values. Let's do it, not because it makes strategic sense to the elogic. Let's do it because it reflects who we really are as people, not just in the eworld. Let us be an example to the eworld. If we do, Spem Reduxit wagers we will be amazed at the results both as an example to the world, and as an attractor of citizens both from inside the eworld and from without.

SR. Vol 1, Number 2