Where the hell is my Milkylane ?

Day 1,480, 15:05 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ex Banned'it

(E😛 Lets set the mood abit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cdkOwaLSUk)

Yeah, so I've been away for a short time. but it feels like forever, and I have been so busy before I left I forgot how nice it was that said, thing have changed allot and I miss allot of people I use to chat daily with, even those I didn't get along with!

I miss the predictable rant from a certain Pony when I knew she was going to read some new reform in congress and I miss a the j00 that made me laugh no matter what day I had, I miss "die Ou Heks" but I don't see her anymore and yeah well I even miss the damn broom, I miss the Great not so Great Shiloh the Great he was Great....I miss my original CO and his wife, I miss allot of people and I'm not going to mention them all.....

Guess eLife isn't so far from RL after all, I just bury more friend here, but it probably isn't so bad, since I never met them all?

No I am not drunk, if I was this article would probably be ....wait for it ....L-E-G-E-N-D-A-R-Y and yes I just watched "How I met your mother" ...

Have you ever had that moment, where you go to your local Mall/Shopping Center and well you look around and think to yourself,"Where the HELL is Milky-lane?"
Yeah I get that too, it was there and yeah I want that double thick Bar-one Milkshake with bits of flake and choc chip on top but hey it aint there, so guess KFC will do....Why do I mention this?
I just want you to want a milkshake too(Big Bastard Smiley Face)

Yeah long time since I wrote something so might aswell have a Rant, next one I'll make sure I'm drunk, yes it would still suck as an article but at-least you'll have a laugh....