Where should you buy a holding company ???

Day 3,279, 06:58 Published in North Macedonia India by iam dinko

If you buy a holding company in a region which owns 4 resources of same kind (weapon or food). Regardless of occupant, you'll have the bonus which is very safe.

For example I have a holding company at Southern Cyprus. If you look at the economy page of Cyprus you can see that Fruits, Salt Peter, Aluminium and Oil are in Southern Cyprus. So regardless of the occupant of that region, I'll get a minimum of 72% weapon bonus and 18% food bonus.

If your company is already allocated to a holding company, find a region closer to your company's holding location so that the moving cost reduces. It is a big investment to buy a holding company and move a very high quality company. So calculate when you will get the investment back if you move your company to another holding.

The regions can be easily found by skimming through the economy page of top ranked countries in the game like Romania and Serbia. If the country that occupied such region is powerful, you may be even lucky to get 100% bonus.

You can find and contribute to more details : https://goo.gl/LDXHsE

(Original article by Wittyprakash)

iam dinko