Where Legends Live, Forever.

Day 2,984, 19:25 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by Coltan Bonobo

I am honored to have been appointed as Deputy Assistant to the Deputy Spokesperson for one of the oldest, most infamous and legendary parties in the eWorld. Vento Aureo is currently the second largest party in ePakistan, but was once the leading party in the worlds most powerful nation.

The great nation of Pakistan ruled the earth from the cold, satanic Norse lands of Swedistan down to the sweaty, pig-disgusting cess pool of Spainistan. From the far Eastern wastelands of Indonesiastan to the superficial states of Emericka. Everything betwixt and between bowed in baffled begoggery to the behemoth Great Sands of Pakistan.

Whilst the modern day Vento Aureo hails from more humble times, its essence still pulsates with the Power of Dio. Even though he is silent, we know he shall return and once again lead this Great Nation back to its rightful place in the eWorld. We shall never rest until this day returns. Until the satanic Swedes and Pig Disgustings beg at the feet of the Great Karakoram and submit themselves to the sand.

We will shortly be publishing a series of stories about the history of our great nation, and organizing a series of events to commemorate the Great Heroes of Olde.

In the meantime, why not join us and get involved in the next legend.

Coltan Bonobo
Deputy Assistant to the Deputy Spokesperson,
Vento Aureo