Where do we go from here?

Day 870, 15:44 Published in Canada Canada by Azzeriath

I've started re-watching the West Wing on megavideo, which has rekindled my interest in politics. This got me to thinking, it's high time that somebody pointed out

EDEN will fall.

Just as surely as you and I will die, EDEN will fall. EDEN, I suspect, will buy the farm significantly sooner than you or I. Over the last several weeks, we’ve seen mounting tension both in America and on the other side of the Atlantic over the state of the Alliance. While there are those who hold out hope, I’m not one of them.
Maybe I’m wrong. Hopefully I’m wrong, but the simple fact is that alliances fall. Unlike nations, for which there will always be that precious “original owner” button, alliances are just a construct and eventually they are all defeated by external forces, or torn apart by internal tension. So how long can we expect an alliance to last? Only PEACE CG ever made it past the one year mark.

So what? So with the switchover of diamonds to titanium, Canada has some serious choices to make. To rent, or not to rent? If we rent, let’s face it, it’ll have to be to the eUS. They are our closest allies and the only reasonable choice. Will this make EDEN stronger? If the jealousy doesn’t tear it apart, yes, it will increase titanium production for the alliance. But will it make Canada stronger? No, it will keep us as the third-rate power we are.

Ultimately, Canadians must be loyal to Canada; each citizen to their nation. I believe we should fulfil our obligations to our alliances, both for moral and practical regions, but we are in no way obligated to subject a region to occupation by an ally. No, Canada ought keep both titanium regions.

Is keeping our regions the riskier path? Yes. We run the risk of undersupplying EDEN, weakening it to external pressure from Phoenix, and ultimately making Canada vulnerable to hostile invasion. But taking risks is the only way to reap reward.

Both in terms of gameplay and roleplay, keeping our titanium is the logical choice for moving Canada forwards. The eUS may be disappointed, but I believe they will understand our choice.
EDEN is transient, Canada is forever.

Long Live the Mighty North
