Where are our Standards?

Day 933, 08:00 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Konrad Neumann

Shocked, amazed, bewildered, stunned, outraged, pissed, disappointed, confused, perplexed, sad.... I am really shocked at the standards of this congress. I am at a loss for words. I do not care what party you are in, GLD, LSD, I&W, WP, IP etc, but the people who voted yes on the MPP with Russia should apologized to the nation as well as to Myers11 and the government for not doing their job. Where have our standards gone? Is congress so lazy that they do not even following the most basic of procedures?

A month ago, Luuklag of the I&W wrote the following article which I will copy and paste here.

Dear readers, and in special the newly elected congressmen,

Currently there are some law proposals started, and they have one thing in common, they lack a debate and a debate area. Our community has made some rules about how to deal with proposals, and we find it of high importance that a proposal has been debated well, and therefore can be voted upon with knowledge of facts and seen views from all possible ends of our political spectrum.

Therefore i would like to ask all congressmen to respect the following rule in our congress rules:

Article 3.4 Ingame voting
😎 If there is no debate area attached to the ingame law proposal, or the debate area was not started 24 hours before the in game law proposal, all Congress members are advised to vote no.

I hope you all understand the importance of debate, and please vote no on current proposals, so we can debate them first, and then start a vote after we did so.

Party president of Iron and Wine party,
but most of all a concerned citizen.

It is not that difficult, just go to the forum, and read the debate area and then vote. 2 minute procedure and 20 congressman did not do it. Most painful is that at least 14 of the congressmen that voted yes do not even read the newspaper. When I wrote the MoI report telling congressmen to vote no (which contains the link to the debate etc) within 10 minutes of the article being published, it was voted to the top 3 spot in NL and soon to the top 2. If they cannot even take the time to look at the head line which clearly states [MoI] Emergency, All Congressman MUST VOTE NO to MPP with Russia, many ignored it. We also signed a MPP with Russia a few days ago, it should be a good warning sign that something about this MPP is off. Since NL only have one or two MPP, it is really not that hard to keep track of it.

Standards, Standards, Standards!!!! I really hope this expensive waste be a valuable lesson to us all. Check the forums before you vote. Follow procedures etc. New congressman should take the time to learn the rules of the game before they become congressman. If you have questions, ask someone, but by this point in time, to say I am new and inexperience is no excuse. If you want to be a congressman etc you should learn the rules in the forums. No one will hand out knowledge for you on a silver plate. To the experience players, please do not be lazy and no more shortcuts. You must maintain your standards or resign.

During this costly lesson, I feel we should adopt something from eGermany, a Congress IRC channel. The IRC is not to replace the debate and voting sections of the forum but to clearly identify who is in congress, and a good means to contact and communicate of key points quickly and easily. I already proposed this in the debate area of our congress and I hope I will get the support needed to make this happen.

There are a few that would say who cares, the MPP will stack so we have 2 months of MPP with Russia. I say to them, so what. From a policy standpoint, it is terrible. It destroys flexibility as it forces us to commit to an MPP with Russia for 2 months. What if TW's are shift to UK or somewhere else and that a MPP with Russia is no longer needed. It is just a bad policy. Also to say who cares about this also ignores a huge lack of standards of our congressmen. We really need to have more quality congressmen and not quantity. If they cannot even read the headlines of the top 5 articles, they should not be in power at all.

I hope this is a onetime slip, and that each congressmen should take a good look at themselves. If you think you can continue to do your duty, please continue to keep your standards up, if not, please resign. I ask the other PP's to place quality over quantity. Last I really think that the congressmen who voted yes regardless of your party (even my GLD) should apologize or at least explain themselves for such a lack of standards.

Konrad Neumann
Former eGerman President x2
MoI of eNL
Current Congressman of Northern Netherlands
eGerman Congressman x6
Party President of Open Minded Germany x5
Former eGerman MoFA from Aug-Jan 2010


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