Where are eCroatia's Allies?

Day 1,229, 10:01 Published in Croatia Croatia by Niko009

*Napisao sam na engleskom za širu publiku

Where is the so called brotherhood, I know if my brother was on his knees I'd stop what I am doing and help him up it is logical, However this seems not to be the case in erepublik. Since the Serbs started invading the Croats not only fought to defend themselves. But we also assisted our allies where it was needed, Now we are down to one region, We lost 5 rounds and can't get our wall over 50% in our favour. What really makes me mad is one of our great friends the eUSA is ordering it's public to fight in Fars?...Something needs to be updated. While some countries are worried about territorial expansion their "brother" is on it's knees. Of course many of our allies are fighting but not enough...I understand your country might be at war defending your lands, but have you only one region left I think not. Today will go down in ehistory and we will see who our friends really are!

So I ask of you allies please fight here, if you can spare some damage:

I would say never give up, but it looks like we are not winning this!

Before Serbs start trolling about how we are crying. I'd like to commend them for an impressive campaign against us. The fact that our two countries exist on seperate sides makes this game fun. And remember it is a game no need for RL references!