When Worlds Collide

Day 771, 10:40 Published in USA USA by Necrosis
Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction

War Pigs – Black Sabbath

So, war, everywhere. Thats putting it simply, of course. The last few days have seen assaults against the one time superpower, Romania, by Hungary and Bulgaria (with their activated MPPs), along with Turkey regaining the initiative against Greece. More importantly, the Holy Empire of Pakistan is back. Currently occupying parts of Turkey, and Iran (for their crimes against humanity during the Koroush era), they’ll be doing some blocking stuff, and letting countries move in and out of Asia.

Map of Europe. Click to enlarge.

Hungary in Romania
Possibly the longest in game rivalry, feud, whatever you wish to call it. Over a year ago, before the introduction of V1 of eRepublik, even, Romania attacked, and successfully held the vast majority of Hungarian regions. Between a large amount of real life nationalism, and lot of work on the side of a few people, Hungary had a constant influx of players for a long time, eventually throwing off the yoke of Romanian occupation; this conflict climaxing in the battle of Podolia, the Ukraine’s high iron region, the loss of which contributed in no small amount to Romania’s decline.

This lead to a cold war period for 5-6 months between the two countries, until Hungary attacked Romania yesterday. Romania was without an MPP with the USA, potentially the strongest EDEN country right now, due to Romania also having an MPP with China, and thus the region swaps in the area cancelled the MPP, and put the US and Romania at war with eachother, technically. With this, Hungary were able to capitalise, and attack, and win, a region.

Bulgaria also attacked using the 4 Phoenix MPPs that really mean anything (Russia, Serbia, Hungary, Indonesia), however their attack ultimately failed.

From a completely strategic point of view, Romania is not all that useful. Hurting them is, of course, bad for the EDEN war effort in general however, and Hungary, and Romania both, are likely to see a surge in new players and activity over the coming days. With the real life nationalism behind this conflict, many people are likely to join the game, or promote it harder.

Conflict in the Mediterranean.

So, Greece and Turkey. A long running conflict again, once more with real life roots in war and conflicts and whatnot. In eRepublik, the Greece and Turkey stuff that happened last year was primarily driven by the Goons, who originally settled in Greece, and then trolled Turkey into attacking, and subsequently taking, most Greek regions. Greece was left with one region after this, which was lost to Turkey several months subsequently. Operation Turkish Delight returned the Greeks their country, and more importantly, their high iron.

My reaction to the communication breakdown that resulted in the problems in Greece.

Several times since, co-ordinated with a major PEACE/Phoenix offensive (often against Croatia), Turkey has attacked Greece, lost spectacularly, and Greece not activated Turk MPPs. That was, until recently, when Greece attacked, In a combined offensive with Romania, who had gallivanted across Bulgaria to get a Turkish border. Ultimately, that offensive was cut short by a communication error that resulted in both countries attacking the same region, and thus losing the initiative. The war between Greece and Turkey stayed a stalemate until yesterday, when Turkey attacked, and took, the Aegean Islands from Greece. (those little red islands next to the Greek blue on the above map.)

Pakistan is Backistan

This is by far the most pleasing development to a devout Dioist like myself. My original homeland, the Glorious Empire of Pakistan, has actually done something. Moving through Iran, and into Turkey, they’re nearly in Europe now. They’re the light green on top of Turkey in the map. There have been several awesome theories into this, but it is most likely 2 fold. To block if needed, and to allow countries passage into Asia, and out of Asia if needed. Pakistan is now, basically, a land bridge. The worlds most awesome land bridge, and certainly better than the last one

American werewolf in Asia

Karnataka, a high iron region held for many months by Indonesia, was attacked late last night by US and allied forces, while Indonesia attacked their neighbour, Malaysia. Indonesia retreated the battle, and instead focused on Malaysia’s high wood region, Sarawak, a battle they won. So thats 2 out of three of the Phoenix ‘pillars’ as they have been dubbed, taken out, Lionking from Iran. Karnataka from Indonesia. Good news for the USA as well, with a Q5 hospital being deployed there, signifying that the USA will be keeping hold of this region for a period of time.

I expect, despite no formal announcement at the current time, that this is with the agreement of the Indian government. A country with as few active citizens would not be able to utilise a high iron region effectively, and would most likely have disastrous effects on their economy. They will most likely be receiving the high wood region once under Iranian control back soon, which will bring in money for the Indian people.

It is likely that the USA will hold this region while preparing to take Hellokitty from Hungary; a battle which will be enormous in its scope and number. Such things cost money, and iron regions bring in money, moreso than any other raw material. This is both a blow to the PHX war effort, and a boost to the EDEN effort.

Is being eaten by Spain still, despite having several MPPs against Spain, the sheer power of Spanish gold and strength, combined with other battles elsewhere, has resulted in Spain having about half the French regions, and currently having Paris besieged. The battle there is too close to call at the current time, this may well go down to the wire. Spain had a babyboom based on the promise of attacking France; and they have certainly delivered on that promise in spectacular style. There is a nice amount of orange in the French blue now, long may it continue

Merely mentioning Italy gives me an excuse to use this picture.

Italy had declared war on Spain, in order to block, and allow France to take her regions back, however, through a clever use of the chain reaction technique of opening wars, Spain was able to open a war with Italy minutes before the declaration of war passed, and thus having the initiative in the war. By attacking France, and their Italian MPP, they opened the war, and pressed attack. A tactical masterstroke.

Unfounded opinion
What does it all mean? Is there an underlying reason or rhyme? I think so, and I think it is quite dastardly, and potentially very damaging for EDEN.

Serbia are one of the largest and most powerful countries in the game. Able to put up an astonishing amount of damage for such a small, geographically speaking, country, they are probably second only to Hungary in PHX’s arsenal. But what do they have to do with this conflict, where they have been quite quiet really, not even indulging in their favourite hobby of attacking Slavonia. Right now would be a perfect time to attack. But they haven’t, and we must wonder why. One of the main countries involved in the current melee in eastern Europe is Greece, owner of a nice shiny high iron region, something many countries would kill for. And I think someone is about to.

Intelligence sources provide us with an interesting insight into the backroom war planning of both alliances.

During my time in PEACE, it was always a running joke of sorts that if people gave Serbia a path to an enemy, they’d attack it. What if Serbia were given passage to Central Greece? Serbia in possession of such a region would become an economic powerhouse alongside their military might, and would be able to finance even more attacks on EDEN countries in the region. All it’d take is 2 Bulgarian regions to be borrowed, and Serbia would be knocking on Greece’s door.

All of the above is, as stated in the subheading, an unfounded opinion from some guy who has been a little out of the loop until the events of the last few days. Its just a possibility, but a worrying one nonetheless. Heck, I’ve forgotten to write about entire sections of the war (See Croatia in Slovenia for instance). Nice to be writing again though.
