When was the last time you had a 50 cent lobster dinner?

Day 1,835, 11:22 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

I have recently come back to the game and am having a somewhat difficult time getting used to all of the changes to the changes in modules. One of the more ridiculous things that I have seen is that now food is virtually worthless.

I mean you can buy 6 star food, a flippin' lobster dinner with fine wine, for as little as 50 eMalaysian cents! I might be wrong but I do not think that lobster is worth that little.

Now back in my day things used actually cost money! You couldn't just going to go to the store pay them a quarter and expect to get food for the week. It cost money and sometimes people simply couldn't afford the food so they had to pick whether they wanted to work or train.

So why is it that in the modern day and age that we under appreciate food so much? Why is it that today's eRepublik hates food so much that they are only willing to pay a handful of pennies for it?

It sure seems like just about everyone is selling food. Everyone seems to own a food factory. What do you think happens to all of this worthless food no one needs?

Don't waste your food! Eat it!

Former Party President of the Democratic People's Party
Former congressman of eMalaysia
Founder of the Association of Shellfish