When raw material reach 0.01

Day 1,647, 09:17 Published in Bulgaria Pakistan by Kevin Bartholomew

This is my first article in Bulgaria. 🙂

Today, with 0.07 as default price, the actual income looks like this with a saltpeter company.

If the price goes down to 0.01, as it should do if they continues in the same path, the actual income will look like this.

The Q5 food price is 1/7 of today's price.
I have nothing more to say. Except one thing. I dissolved all my companies. Companies that gave my 1600 currency for a couple of months ago and today give me less than 300.

The dissolving process gave me 85 000. It would take almost a year to earn so much money with my companies.
If you post a comment. Do it in English. I don't understand Bulgarian.