When dawn shines upon Lake Erie tomorrow, Vote Tiacha to Congress

Day 370, 13:13 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

As light shines upon the horizon and dawn breaks tomorrow morning, we will enter upon a time of change. Change from the old eWorld into something new. Congressional elections hit eOhio tomorrow. There are 4 candidates for the job. Three out of the four candidates represent an old regime. They’re part of the old guard which may or may not represent the needs of you, the citizens of Ohio. They represent the old political machinery which runs the higher ups of eRepublik. Is this the type of candidate you want to represent you, eOhio in Congress? These candidates are loyal to a few things: their personal vendetta, their party lines, or God knows what! Two candidates running haven’t even come out with a platform! Do you want these people representing you in Congress?

I promise that if I am elected as your representative from Ohio, I will speak only for you. My loyalty lies to no party: it lies entirely in your hands, The State of Ohio.

If elected representative from Ohio, I plan on creating an organization for the State of Ohio. This will be to help hear the needs of the citizens of Ohio. If you need need a gift, the State of Ohio will help you. If you need help finding a job, The State of Ohio will help you. If you need help starting a business, I will do all in my power to go to Congress and to help you. In short, my duty as a public servant is to help you. Not to help myself, not to help my party, to help you.

If elected, I’ve already given you a few promises.
-To help keep the eUS out of war.
-To help eOhio business by increasing the free market and help companies gain export licenses.
-To help new citizens get jobs.

If you agree with these ideals, I encourage you to vote for Tiacha. It is a government’s responsibility to govern. It is not a representative’s job to be like President Theodore Roosevelt said in 1912 to “become the tools of corrupt interests, which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes.” I promise to serve the state of Ohio unselfishly. If you want to learn more on my platform, please visit: http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ddpmxvcp_5gphd8kfb

Remember, tomorrow, when you go out to vote, that Tiacha speaks for you and for Ohio.

In liberty, equality, and fraternity,