When a Democrat came to the Democrat Party, EXPOSURE OF CORRUPTION

Day 2,789, 16:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jny123

Hello people of eUK and more specifically the British Democrat Party. This is both an announcement of my running for PP and an analysis of the situation I have found in the party.


The first, and what I consider the most alarming, aspect of the problem in the party is that it is set as authoritarian. Now I am aware of the various interpretations of 'democracy' but I am still surprised to see that a party that claims to be a party for the 'Democrat' is set as authoritarian.

Secondly, upon studying the results of past elections I have discovered that, since its creation, only one person has served as PP. Now I am not saying I don't understand reasons for this occurrence (and I would like to hear the answer for this) because I too have been in a party that is faced with some rather inexperienced candidates. However I do believe that at some point the current PP should have stepped down as PP and taken a more advisory role, something I used to do with inexperienced candidates.

Third and final is the activity which is low. For a party of over 40 members the feed has seen only 7 different people, myself included, in the last 20 days. This is 15% of the party over 20 days. I am aware that this situation is quite common the parties of eUK at the moment I believe there should be something done about it.

Analysis of the analysis

I am aware, as will no doubt be pointed out, that I have only really observed* the party for 3 days but never the less. Perhaps as well I am a bit out dated in terms of how current parties are run and I need a refreshers period on what is actually going on.

*I say observed because I have joined then disappeared for a day then reappeared then disappeared again and then rejoined.

ban the multis...

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