WHBR 1758.2 - ¡Viva la Evolución!

Day 1,759, 17:34 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

White House Back Room - Day 1758.2

The uncle of Mariela Castro, the brother of Juanita Castro and the father of Celia Guevara March exhibit their questionable taste in men's hatwear as Socialist Fashion Week gets underway in La Habana.

Soundtrack: The Yodeling Tyrolean Ducks

Dateline: Thursday, Sept 13, 2012 (Day 1758.2)
Location: Edward R. Murrow Back Room, The White House

Today's Agenda, Three Segments:
: 1 : Massive Whispering Campaign Launched
: 2 : Stalinization Continues Apace in eUSA
: 3 : Pretend France is offering Pretend USA some Paid Time Off!

Did you miss Phoenix Quinn's essay on the 3 types of stupidity? And yet it moves
Delmar Abdulmeningitis' thoughts on superflous prohibitions? Tractacus eLogico-Philosophicus
How about Dolores Materpater-Miller's high-brow argument with PQ on the nature of nothingness? Love's Labors Lost...and Found

Mariela's Uncle defends himself against accusations of post-modernist humanism, while Celia's father wallows in pre-modern fundamentalist fallacies.

As the result of a heartfelt appeal from his old commie buddy Civil Anarchy, relentless eRep windbag Phoenix Quinn has emerged from solitude in order to poke fun at the revolutionary media regime established by three former Secretaries of Media.
Reprising his own brief but glorious reign in the Press Room during the first Glove administration, PQ has taken this opportunity to initiate a whispering campaign that is intended to undermine the authority of the "revolutionaries".
As for internet radio, there is no expectation that PQ will ever let his nasally cigarette-choked voice be heard on the airwaves. Those who've heard it claim that PQ's voice, with its bizarre combination of east cost, midwestern, southern and Californian cadences, peppered with oddly discontinous usage of Britishims, the occasional flash of Spanish vulgarity, and a horrible rasping cough, is not for the faint-hearted. And they say that once he starts talking, it is nearly impossible to get him to stop. So. Just as well.
Philosophers, dialecticians and comedians are cordially invited to participate in the whispering campaign. Suggested topics for gossip include: Is Civ really a girl? How very, very old is Custer, really? And for the advanced gossipers: Isn't John Killah actually a French name? (Jonquille... it's so obvious, isn't it?)

It is expected that the erstwhile former SecMeds will continue to write stuff in White House Press Room for your amusement and edification whilst the Zombie-Elite continue to feed off of your boredom and the e-country continues to burn with the bright flame of Nothingness.

Stalinization Continues Apace in eUSA

Who keeps nominating these people?

Stalin once quipped, when answering the question, "Which deviation is worse, the rightist or the leftist one?" with "They are both worse!"

The underlying premise was that the leftist deviation was really ("objectively", as Stalinists liked to put it) not leftist at all, but a concealed rightist one! When Stalin would write that an "overwhelming majority" had approved a Central Committee resolution, the underlying premise, again, was that there really was no minority at all. Those who voted against had actually excluded themselves from the party.

In such cases, the genus overlaps the species. Such thinking allowed Stalin to read history retroactively, so in his writing things "become clear" retroactively. Trotsky did not fight alongside Lenin and Stalin and then, at a later stage, opt for a different route; this opposition "made it clear" how, "objectively", Trotsky opposed the revolution from the beginning.

The same procedure was followed in the classificatory impasse the Stalinist ideologues and activists encountered in their struggle for collectivization. The peasants were resisting the "scientific Marxist" terms. So the peasants were dividend into three categories: bednyaki, "the miserable ones", who were the poorest, the landless, and were thus the natural allies of the workers; the sertednyaki or "middle ones", autonomous land owners who did not employ others, a vascillating class; and kulaki ("kulaks"), who owned land, employed others and lent money or seeds -- the exploiters, the "class enemy" which, as such, had to be "liquidated".

Practice was a problem, though. This classification became more and more blurred in the generalized poverty. Clear criteria could not be applied. Peasants in the other two categories often joined kulaks in their resistance to forced collectivations.

So a new category was introduce😛 the "subkulak", a peasant who, although too poor to be considered a proper kulak, nonetheless shared the "counter-revolutionary" kulak attitude. "Subkulak" was a term without any real social content, even by Stalinist standards. "Kulak" came to mean any carrier of political tendencies that might be discernable in a "subkulak". By this process, any peasant whatsoever was liable to be subject to dekulakization, greatly enlarging the category of victims beyond the official "scientific" estimate of kulaks proper even at its most strained and exagerrated levels.

The "subkulak" was thus the paradoxical intersection of species: a subspecies of the species "kulak" whose members came from the other two species. As such, "subkulak" was the embodiment of the ideological lie of the entire "objective" classification of farmers into three categories. Its political function was to account for the fact that all strata of farmers opposed collectivization. The exercise became the matter of complex hermeneutics of suspicion, of identifying an individual's "true political attitudes" hidden beneath their deceptive public proclamations, so that Pravda had to eventually concede that "even the best activists often cannot spot the kulak".

Precisely the opposite of the publically proclaimed falsity, "subkulak" was not an "objective" sub-division of "kulak", but simply the name for the subjective poltical attitude of farmers. The procedure of Stalinist diaresis names the excessive element that traverses all classes, the dangerous outgrowth of which has to be eliminated.

In case you missed the point: in every "objective" classification of social groups, some element functions like the "subkulak" - the point of subjectivization is masked as a subspecies of "objective" elements of the social body.

Pretend France is offering Pretend USA some Paid Time Off!

I don't know what all the fuss is about. PTO (Paid Time Off) is great.

If some French guys want to to pay our hard-working Executive Class to take some time off -- Bof! -- what's the problem?

Recommended Reading:

| Roar of Lion | Insurreccionista | The Daily Dealer |

Foreigners out!